Markus & Missie
God is always looking to take us to higher levels. He wants us to grow and increase in every area of life. Change is often a catalyst for growth in our lives. It keeps us from getting stuck in a rut. God will supernaturally open and close doors to keep us on the path toward our destiny. He will “stir us†out of comfortable situations and stretch us because He loves us too much to allow us to live in mediocrity. Just like a mother eagle will stir her young, God will stir His children. Do you know how an eaglet learns to fly? That eagle will take her eaglet to the very highest point—way out of its comfort zone—and then she releases it. As the eaglet falls, the mother swoops down and picks it back up again. She does this over and over until the eaglet spreads its wings and soars through the air. That’s what God wants for you today. He wants you to soar in life! You might feel like that eaglet learning to fly, but know that God is right there with you! He’ll never leave you. Embrace God’s change today, knowing that He is using it to take us up higher so that we can live life to our full potential!
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We Must BELIEVE that the LORD will carry us through the Tough Times and know that Miracles truly do happen! Prayer can BEAT CANCER!I LOVE YOU, COLE!
..Mackenzie Elizabeth "My Treasured Love child" How perfect to top the cake with something so Sweet!
My Heroes are "My Lord & Savior", "My Husband for knowing what he wants and getting it!"My Mother for loving me so much that she did all she knew to give me a better life than she had", "My Daddy who raised me and taught me unconditional love".My Children who have made me a "MOM" for more than half my life time! WHEN YOU ARE A MOM YOU STOP BEING THE PICTURE AND BECOME THE FRAME~_____My Favorite Movies
..___Mark ~ My Strength! He is 20 yrs.old and
has made me a Mom for more than half my
life time! He has been my anchor in the
midst of the storms! In alot of ways we
have grown up together. He is in his second
year of College and working full time as an
electrician. If I had to discribe Mark in two words it would be "Honest and Couragous" He has never
caused me a day of grief....I just love him!Matthew ~ My Gift from God! There is not a day
that goes by that I am not thankful for his
precious life! He is full of life and personality!We
are doing the driving thing now...watch out! LOL
He plays footbal for Union High School.(I love to watch him play)He stays very busy with community service
work, he has a heart for hurting people and loves
to lend a helping hand. On his free time you can
find him feeding the hungry or anything that helps
make our world a better place.Michael ~ My Sunshine Child! He is the one that is
most like me! His very organized and structured.
Self drivin and very focused when he wants to accomplish
something. He loves the challege and LOVES TO WIN!
He plays Basketball for Union, we are so Proud he made
the team! (not an easy thing to do) :) He doesn't do well
with limitations...he will push through with total success!
He is very affectionate and loves huggs & Kisses. I hear all day...."I love you, Mom!"Mitchell ~ My Joyful Child! He is our..."LIFE IS A PARTY"
everyday, all day! My little social one, I hesitate to say
all the girls know his name. Cell phone and texting 24/7.
Everything in life...comes very easy for him. He seems to pull everything off with perfection without trying. We don't know how he does it! He is always smiling and on the go! He plays quaterback and tight end for Union. And is quiet agressive....no fear! He is use to running for his life from his older brothers.His smile can change your day!Mason ~ Our Precious Child! He is so captivating! He seems to be the center of attention everywhere we go! He is very
verbally expressive and lacks nothing in personality!
He seems to have life all figured out at his young age.
Very happy, go lucky! He brings so much love and laughter
to our family. He is a daddy's boy but loves those huggs and kisses from mommy!Mackenzie ~ My Love Child! She is OUR dream come true!
She is the icing on the cake. The sweetest thing ever!
The boys all adore her, Daddy and Mommy both treasure
her. She has everyone wrapped around her finger.For all of you that say......
I can't imagine having 6 children....Well, I can't imagine life WITHOUT them!
You can never have too much love and it
can never run out! Our home is so full of
Love and personality. Each one so special in
their own way, no two alike! Loving one doesn't
take from the other...Your heart only gets bigger!The MOM