*L i s a* profile picture

*L i s a*

* 4 * 17 * 05 *

About Me

what about me ..im 18 i have brown hair and eyes.. im short and fucking proud of it .. i have two amazing best friends heather and nicole... i love these girls soo much.. they bin though think and thin with me.. i love art and the work that get put into one piece at a time.. Art and music r the only things that get my mind off a tough shit in my life.. i drive a 97 neon i dont care if i dont got the greatest of cars but hey if it keep me warm and drives well i dont give a fuck wat kind of car i got.. i love to dance just put some good mucis on and ill start danceing...im in love with my boyfriend richie 4/17/05

Cool Stuff at BlingJam.com
..This profile was edited with Edit Your MySpace......LOve DX and CeNA and i love my Shawn Michaels!! i love the hardyboys!!

My Interests

3 richie 3 nicole 3 art 3 wrestling 3 partying 3 shopping


love to dance!!


~*luv all kinds of movies*~~white oleander ~coyote ugly ~the crow ~jackass the movie ~texas chainsaw massacre ~lord of the rings ~pirates of the carribean ~zoolander ~meet the parents ~jay and slient bob strike back ~dogma ~old school ~american pie ~white chicks ~donnie darkgo ~kill bil vol 1 ~big daddy ~8 crazy nigths ~jeepers creepers ~napolean dynamite ~the little mermaid ~van wilder ~fast and the furious ~s.w.a.t ~joy ride ~house of 1000 corpes ~out cold ~road trip


MY FAVORITE SHOW!!!! _sex and the city


NIcole3 Richie3