hello this is a grace's childhood friend you may know me as andy but some people like eric call me tyrone...anyways here it goes..Grace when she was a little kid she was a average little kid until she tripped on a rock..caused her to fall and bump on her head...this resulted her going to the hospital and the doctor said nothign was wrong...eventually...they found out after she had been attending schools that she was a brilliant and prodigious child not an average one..This is why grace is smart. another incident in her life is when she met this kid named andy chang although she liked another chang whenever she gave hugs to andy chang his beauty rubbed against her face. This is why grace is so attractive. Anyways more about grace shes pretty she likes to dance dance dance and shake her tail feather..however shes an honest girl who lets you into her house when her mom's not home...(not true for criminals)..anyways dancing is her life she loves dancing, getting straight a's, and showing off her beautiful body...Great friend A+++ and shes always there for you...so if you need a heart talk her at GRACE x LEE xD.. her birthday is june 19th so thats when you should buy her lots of presents..... Aight So theres much more about grace but it would take much more space..... go to www.hot-lyts.com %D%A %D%A I got this layout from Hot-lyts.com!Click here to check them out. %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A....