Going to Church, shopping, spending time with family and friends, doing and coaching gymnastics, sleeping and excepting life as it is thrown my way.
You make me smile because... by xLiL PreP1x
Your Laugh .... Is amazing
Your Smile ... Is inspired
Your eyes ... Are Deep like the ocean
Your scent is.... Exotic
Your lips are... Perfect
Your hair .... Is a goregous color
Your friendship .... Is Supporting
Your hug ... Makes me feel safe
Your kiss ... Is delicous
Your love .... Amazing
You ..... radiate beauty!
BeSt SuRvEy EvEr!! '06
:NaMe:: Erica
:Birthday:: May 2
:Hair Color:: Brown
:School:: University of Texas at Arlington
:Screen Name:: Erica
:Gender:: Female
:Hometown:: New Orleans
*YoUr FaV.*
:Number:: 3
:Band/Artist:: don't have a favorite
:Coke:: Root Beer
:Color:: Orange
:Radio Station:: 93.3 or 97.9
:Sport:: Cheerleading/ Gymnastics
:Song:: right now- Beautiful by Fantasia
:Hangout:: with friends
:Weather:: moderate (not too cold or too hott)
:Type of Movie:: comedy/romance
*HaVe YoU eVeR*
:Snuck out of the house:: yeah
:Been in a car accident:: yeah
:Almost burned the house down:: no
:Broken the law:: maybe/ maybe not
:Made yourself cry to get out of trouble:: of course
:Cried on public:: yeah
:Cried over the opposite sex:: yeah
:Made a prank call:: when I was young
:Faked sick to get out of school:: yeah
:Climbed a tree:: yeah
:Been dumped:: yeah
:Kissed someone:: yeah
:Hugged someone:: yeah
:Been in love:: yeah
:Kissed in the rain:: no but would like to
:What about in a pool...:: yeah
:In a car?:: yeah
:On a bed?:: uh yeah
:Punced a wall:: no
:Cheated on someone:: never
:Swam in a white t~shirt:: no- swimsuit
:Took care of a drunk person:: yeah
:Time you cried:: Sept. 18,2006
:Laughed:: just a few minutes ago
:Word you said:: punkass
:Song You listened to:: A male version of Irreplacable
:Place you went:: School
:Person you hugged:: my pastor at church
:Person you took a pic. of:: Mia and Mallory
:Cd you listened to:: Mix
:Last person you talked to on internet:: Keith Barnes
:Last person you talked to on phone:: you would like to know wouldn't you
*ArE yOu*
:A Jealous person:: sometimes
:A Bitch:: sometimes
:Whore:: hell no
:Happy:: yeah
:Mean:: yeah
:Funny:: yeah
:Lazy:: sometimes
:Retarded:: sometimes
:Pretty:: always
:Short tempered:: not really
*ThIs Or ThAt*
:Cars or Trucks:: cars
:Rap or Country:: rap
:Dr. Pepper or Rc:: Dr. Pepper
:Public or Home-schooled:: Public
:Abercrombie & Fitch or American Eagle:: Ambercrombie and Fitch
:Sunny or Rainy:: Sunny
:Lil Wyte or Eminem:: Eminem
:Pink or Blue:: blue
:Cat or Dog:: dog
:Phone or Computer:: phone
:Ocean or Pool:: pool
:Strawberrys or Blueberrys:: Strawberrys
:Kiss or Hug:: depends on the person
:Love or Hate:: love
:Pissed off or Upset:: upset
:LoVe LiFe:
:Are you single or taken:: good qquestion
:If single, are you enjoying it:: whatever it is, yes i am enjoying it
:Have you been used before:: unfortunately
:Ever used someone:: not that I know of
:Shortest Relationship:: 4months
:Longest Relationship:: 2yeas
:Do you miss someone right now:: yeah
:Do you trust you b/f or g/f:: yeah
:Are you picky when choosing a b/f or g/f:: yeah
:Do you talk to yourself:: sometimes
:Music Playing:: Encourage yourself by Donald Lawrence
:Person your talking to:: no one
:What are you thinking:: I miss Jahmal
:What are you wearing:: Shorts and a shirt
:Do you hate your life:: Not at all
:Does anyone hate you:: not that I know of
:What time is it:: 2:05
:What color is your toothbrush:: white
:What about your razor?:: pink
:Do you eat alot:: sometimes
:Are you passing you grade:: yeah
:Do you laugh at stupid reasons:: yeah
:Do you have any regrets:: not for you to know
:Have you ever TP'd someones house:: no
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Gospel, R&B, Secondline, Jazz, Bounce, Rap,and Slow Jams.
Italian Job, The Color Purple, All Tyler Perry plays, Green Mile, The Temptations, The Five Heartbeats, Sister Act II, Shawshank Redemption
.. width="425" height="350" ....
The Hustlers Wife, Bad Girlz, Truth to the game, basically any black novelist.
Create Your Own!My heroes are my family....
Photos I don't have:My parents (of course),my godfather Howard Noland for being supportive on me and loving me unconditionally. My Pastor- Fredrick D. Haynes III- of Friendship West Baptist Church ( for not only being my pastor but for also being my friend. For prayers, helping me when he didn't even know it, opening up his arms to me, my family and others effect after Hurricane Katrina, and for not treating me like charity but like a close friend that he's known for a very long time.), My best friend Keith Barnes, I miss you and hope all is well with you. I love you and I can't wait until you come home for good from the military. And lastly, Jahmal Mantrel Pelrean (even though he is unable to be here right now and doesn't know it but he changed my life in many ways and I love him. Sept. 18 will always be dedicated to him). I would like to truly thank everyone in my life at the present time, because everyone played a speical part, and I just want to say thank you.