Ben aka wez profile picture

Ben aka wez

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I love eating porridge for breakfast,home made flapjacks, chai tea, healthy eating, doing mad stretches, deep breathing, meditation, visualisation, astral projection. lots of affection, im not for rejection. music creation, inspiration and divination.deep thinking, spiritual meaning, kindness and healing. and theres also my silly side :)i think im moving back to scarborough. but not met many like minded freinds to hang out with yet. if anyone thinks we'l get on give us a shout and show me whats about.where are the partys at round here? cuz boleyns is naff. lol

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

everyone i happen to meet. u never know what life brings.
Tell Me About Yourself - The Survey
Name:: Wez
Birthday:: 8th july
Birthplace:: west midlands
Current Location:: London
Eye Color:: greeny brown
Hair Color:: browny blond
Height:: 6'1
Right Handed Or Left Handed:: right
Your Heritage:: English, welsh, irish
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Black steel-toe boots
Your Weakness:: hyperactive when not smoking weed, loll
Your Fears:: No fears, never fear nothing!
Your Perfect Pizza:: Veggie with cheese and loads of veg
Goals You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: not much left of this year, maybe go to italy? never know
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger:: HAHA
Thoughts First Waking Up:: Need a poo. lol
Your Best Physical Feature:: i dunno,
Your Bedtime:: No bedtime
Your Most Missed Memory:: My mom.
Pepsi Or Coke:: neither, both orrible
McDonalds Or Burger King:: both orrible.
Single Or Group Dates:: both are good.
Lipton Ice Tea Or Nestea:: whars with this advertising! ignore adverts!
Chocolate Or Vanilla:: chocolate defo
Cappucino Or Coffee:: cappucino, more flavour.
Do You Smoke:: Yes i do at moment, but want to give up soon and breathe propely again.
Do You Swear:: When do i ever fuckin swear? fuckin never!
Do You Sing:: Everyday, anywhere.
Do You Shower Daily:: Nope if i had my own shower i did tho.
Have You Been In Love:: I thought i had , but it was only me i found out later. oh well.
Do You Want To Go To College:: Maybe, music tech wud be cud
Do You Want To Get Married:: dun fink so, rather be free nad not so attached
Do You Believe In Yourself:: beleive what? i dont fink i lie to myself, so i beleive me yeah.
Do You Get Motion Sickness:: only on boats
Do You Think You Are Attractive:: well i'm not a monster, or an inbred, so maybe a little bit to a handful of girls maybe.
Are You A Health Freak:: I try my best to be. but not too bad.
Do You Get Along With Your Parents:: My dad yeah, my mom....well long story.
Do You Like Thunderstorms:: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. SET THE SAILS!!!!!!!!!
Do You Play An Instrument:: Yeah, guitar and anyfin else i can find.
In The Past Month Have You Drank Alcohol:: yep, cider! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
In The Past Month Have You Smoked:: Yes, both the sensi and the baccy.
In The Past Month Have You Been On Drugs:: a bit of MDMA
In The Past Month Have You Gone On A Date:: kind of.
In The Past Month Have You Gone To The Mall:: i been to the shop for food yep, lol.
In The Past Month Have You Eaten A Box Of Oreos:: ignore this question, bit weird ay.
In The Past Month Have You Eaten Sushi:: nope, i'm a veggie
In The Past Month Have You Been On Stage:: No but being buskin on da tube.
In The Past Month Have You Been Dumped::
In The Past Month Have You Gone Skinny Dipping:: nah, its winter 2007. brrrrr
In The Past Month Have You Stolen Anything:: cheese from the supermarket, and a tub of food doctor omega seed spread cuz its expensive but good for u. lol
Ever Been Drunk:: yep
Ever Been Called A Tease:: nope
Ever Been Beaten Up:: yep
Ever Shoplifted:: yep
How Do You Want To Die:: with lots of good karma for my next life
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up:: taller. lol
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit:: India, italy, holland, africa, everywhere really.
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My Blog

like a rolling stone PAGE 2

continued from page 1......The social workers had told me i was going to be at Hazel and Gordon's for about two weeks. I was loving it there, it had been the first time in a long time i'd felt appreci...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Jan 2009 08:58:00 GMT

like a rolling stone PAGE 1

Twice now i'v tried to write my life story, after both attempts i had written loads and well, the mostly written one is on a computer in london whilst im not there, and the other was a previous attemp...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 09:20:00 GMT

my video on youngsters in care

  ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Part 1     part 2  
Posted by on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:36:00 GMT

poem . Heart warriors

We just cant help but to be kind and think real deep for the key to understandinWe'l interviene if someone is makin someone else cryinand we are losing our pateince with all that lyin....fa...
Posted by on Wed, 27 Feb 2008 06:32:00 GMT

(poem) winter is here but springtime is near!

ok i did this at 9am in the morning just off it like that. didnt really intrend it to be a poem at first. lol just got into it :)     keep smilin and keep been strong. cuz the nice honest p...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 01:01:00 GMT

another poem

follow your heart, follow your dreams, nothing is worth fearing cuz theres too much time for lovin feelin.Sharin possesions is easier than having everything urself, much for time for understandin ever...
Posted by on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:02:00 GMT

cops and the authorities on buksers

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Posted by on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 13:57:00 GMT

A story from me. SHEEPS AND BUSKERS

One day , a sheep who was like all the rest of the sheep decided he wanted to sing  and wonder about life, this sheep just didnt feel at home in the mass production farm, and without realising hi...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 03:12:00 GMT

A poem about being homeless in london

Another poem by Ben- Jammin  (this is a bit dark but nothing sick or nothing , oh and the first bit, well it was kinda before i got into it.) help me god i can't sit still cuz i'v just been ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 04:52:00 GMT

A stoned improvised poem by wez

This is an attempt to do a poem by wez. on the spot and i wont loose this like i do all my bits of paper! Hhm ok, so how should i start  to make this poem into a cool piece of art I'm a little bi...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 01:31:00 GMT