Miraa profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

So, I thought it was about time I updated this thing. Well let me see. I don't know what to say that I don't already have somewhere else on here. I'm addicted to, music. I listen to it about 90 % of the time, maybe more. I'm thinking if it was between music or air- I might have to pick air so that way I could listen to more music.I think the only time I'm not listening to music is when I'm watching t.v. Except for when the commercials come on, then there's music.I love nature and I like taking pictures. Usually of scenery. However since I moved into a town, there's not alot of scenery I want to take pictures of.I'm on my computer alot, playing video games and such. I usually play Sims 3. I used to play more, but recently I've been more turned onto games that aren't for computer. Like Rock Band 2, and things like that. Also Guitar Hero World Tour :)I dislike being unprepared. I always need something the one time I forget it. I hate that. Boo.I love watching hockey. My favorite team is the Red Wings. They won the Stanley Cup last year :D Nicklas Lidström was the first European(from Sweden) born and trained captain to win. Yay for hockey history. I hope they can do it again this year.Well back to music, I love singing. There's not a day I can remember not singing at least once or twice. If music is playing and I know, or think I know, the words I'll sing along to it. I sing along to songs I used to like but don't anymore. If I have the urge to sing- which is most of the time, I will. Even when my throat is killing because I'm sick or something.The song I have playing on my profile is one I wrote with my last band, and it's one of my favorites. My writing, doesn't matter whether it's music, poems, or short stories, holds alot of meaning for me.I guess that's all for now, and maybe I'll update this more often. Who knows? Not me.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Someone who has the same passion for music and writing as I do. I'd also like to meet the people in some of my favorite bands, so I can pick their brains about music.

My Blog

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