Teresa profile picture


This is my beginning cuz its finally the end!

About Me

.. MySpace Profile Editor
I love to meet new people so I love having good Conversations. Sometimes that might be annoying for people that do not know me. Well, don't listen then!
I am too damn straigth forward, that scares other people or hurts them. Well, DON'T be offended!
My family and friends should be the most important thing in my life. Well, they are, but sometimes I cannot show it!
My schoollife sucks balls!!
I love to discover more about me and my surrounding in each and every moment of life!
In fact: life doesn't seem to become better or easier, but the more we try to understand an change the freakin' world we live in, the more do the Problems we have resolve into relief.
I am 39% Asshole/Bitch.
.. I may think I am an asshole or a bitch, but the truth is I am a good person at heart. Yeah sure, I can have a mean streak in me, but most of the people I meet like me. Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom
You Are 60% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! How Weird Are You?

My Interests

Music, Shows, Arts, Theater, Literature, close friends, History, Politics, ...........

I'd like to meet:

Suicide Girls
Fergy (black eyed peas)
Johnny Depp
Brad Pitt
Jared Leto
Dave Navarro--- I know, these guys are sooo typical for girls, sorry ;-)
Dieter Bohlen
Anke Engelke
Kröte Bush
Markus Maria Herbst
Kurt Krömer


ähm...I like it I guess :-)


The Pianist
Nirgendwo in Afrika
Requiem for a dream
fiddler on the roof
One flew over the koo koo's nest
Sling Blade
The professional
Zauberhafte Welt der Ameli
Neverending Story


Don't really know. The usual stuff (Simpsons...)


Hermann Hesse "Siddhartha"
Hemingway "A farewell to arms"
Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre "Remix" etc.
Johannes Mario Simmel "Nach den Clowns kamen die Tränen"
Stuff from Milan Kundera
John Hersey "Hiroshima"
Elie Wiesel "Night"
my all time fav "Women at point zero" by El Saadawi