Reborn started 3 years ago with members Carl Parnell and David Mason, they came together to write tunes bringing there backgrounds in trance, electronica, drum and bass and breaks. Developing a style of dark breaks Reborn was soon signed to USA label Deeplife Records and releasing through sites such as and as well as many others. Originals and remixes were in there sights pumping out tracks left right and centre. 1 year ago due to work and family David Mason hung up the headphones and Carl Parnell knuckled down to keep Reborn on track, releasing remixes for international artists such as Paduraru, DJ Ru, Dave Richards and many more as well as many original tracks.Reborn has recently taken on a new look, feel and style heading towards electro breaks / house with a few underground ones in between continuing to release through Deeplife Records as well as other labels, Reborn has his eyes set on the local market of Australia.Reborn can be heard on the Gold Coast from time to time on 105.7 FM Radio Metro on the Outer Limits Show, as well as mix sets on and many other programs.Reborn is proudly supported by:
Radio Metro (Outer Limits)
Cast The Fire radio
The guys at
TekTak Music
Deeplife Records
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Chemical Bros. Crytal Method, Fat Boy Slim, Prodigy,
My Blog
Favorite track right now
Mine probably Chemical Bros block rockin beats cause I was mixing it last night. Posted by on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 04:25:00 GMT