Metal Dragon profile picture

Metal Dragon

About Me

Hi, here's some stuff about what I do and where you can find it. As Metal Dragon, I have been making independent short films and videos for nearly a decade now. I have also provided a variety of creative services for independent film and music related productions - from music videos to slide and video installations for clubs, live events and festivals, and bizarre re-cuts for the independent circuit - and I like networking in this circuit, especially in relation to film. My material draws from a wide range of sources, as I've managed to travel alot and have worked in the graphic arts in places like China, Korea, Japan, Australia, Siberia, North America, Jordan, Kuwait, Bulgaria and most of the rest of Europe, and I've always collected visual material along the way. The full information on works and screenings and so on, with some clips from some of the more recent videos, is on the Metal Dragon site; http://www.metaldragon.comBetween 2000 and 2003 I amalgamated a lot of my experiences from working in the far east into developing scripts for a futuristic thriller based on the traditional Chinese stories of the Monkey King - The 'White Monkey' Trilogy. I hawked these around a few studios and agents for a while until I decided that I should do something that I was going to be able to finish myself, although the scripts are still there and as relevant as i reckon they were during the surge of interest in Asian cinema just after the millenium . These scripts can also be accessed on the site; personal work since 2003 you will find in my other project, and website, 'The Seventh Earth';

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet people with any similar interests in developing a network of independent film-makers around the world. Check out my World Indexes on 'The Seventh Earth'; And I'd like to invite people to have a look at that site and maybe start some discussions about it's content. It's related to all the Metal Dragon work in ways that I will be outlining in it's next update.

My Blog

June 2008: M.D. Short ’Typhoon’ @ Darklight ’08 Salon

'TYPHOON' @ DARKLIGHT '08 SALON / FILMBASE JUNE 26 - 29_______________________________________________________Hi Everyone,It's been a while since I've mailed out, but have been busy, plenty coming up....
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:51:00 GMT

June 2008: Tron_Redux

E X P E R I M E N T A L F I L M C L U B presentsT R O N : R E D U XWITH LIVE SOUNDTRACK BY 3EPKANO/// SUNDAY 29th JUNE / Ha'penny Bridge Inn (upstairs) / 4pm / Doors 5 EuroThe Experimental Film Clu...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:49:00 GMT

April 2008: Irish Films to Alexandria

Dear Filmmaker On a recent trip to screen Irish experimental films in Luxor University inEgypt, I was approached by the Alexandria International Film Festival tocompile feature length dramas fo...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:44:00 GMT

April 2008: SOLUS @ ’South Valley’, Luxor.

'SOLUS' SCREENINGS: 'SOUTH VALLEY' UNIVERSITY, LUXOR, EGYPTApril 13th / 14th 2008Hi everybody,There will be a screening of two new Solus programmes tomorrow and on Monday inthe Fine Arts Faculty of th...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:41:00 GMT

April 2008: Art Palace, Cairo

IMAFY OPENING NIGHT: ART PALACE, CAIROApril 6th 2008, 7:00pmHi everybody,As part of the 'IMAFY: International Media Art Forum for Youth', I will beperforming a visual mix at the Art Palace, on the ban...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:40:00 GMT

March 2008: The Experimental Film Club

The Experimental Film ClubUpstairs Ha'penny Bridge InnSunday March 30th4 pmEuro 3First screening: Chris Marker Shorts'La Jetee' and 'Sans Soleil'plusSamuel Beckett's 'Film' and Moira Tierney's 'Americ...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:39:00 GMT


SOLUS/IMAFY: CALL FOR IRISH ANIMATIONS TO EGYPT:'Solus: Independent Film Collective' will be screening a new programme withIMAFY 'The First International Media Art Forum For Youth' Festival, in Cairo ...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:37:00 GMT

February 2008: ’Ouroboros’: First metal Dragon Feature - Test Screening

'OUROBOROS: First Metal Dragon Feature' - Screening / Gallery Installation________________________________________________ _______________________Venue:'This Is Not A Shop'26 Benburb Street, Dublin 7We...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:35:00 GMT

SOLUS DVD Launch @ ’This Is Not A Shop’

SOLUS INDEPENDENT FILM COLLECTIVE DVD LAUNCH 2008__________________________________________________'Solus ' is launching its first compilation DVD on Tuesday February 19th at7.30pm at 'This is Not a Sh...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:34:00 GMT

October 2007 / Irish Films @ Animae Caribe 6 / Metal Dragon @ The Zen Rooftop

Hi Everybody,So, between D.E.A.F. and the Caribbean, it's been a busy month. Here's what'sgoing on;1. IRISH FILMS @ ANIMAE CARIBE 6First, there's the programme of Irish films which I'm bringing...
Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:16:00 GMT