Gregory profile picture


About Me

I'm an honest man, as guilt usually gets the better of me. i'm not too fussed about money yet i like exspensive toys and spending alot so i guess i need to have it in life. i deal with embarrassing things about myself or doings by telling everyone, for example ever since manhood i seem to have grown a healthy soft sheen of blonde hair upon my bottom cheeks and your welcome to have a stroke. ignorance gives me the rage as do people who drive with little road etiquette and the overgrown kids usually middle aged arses that push to get on tubes trains and buses, it reminds me of the bundles we had as kids to get on the coach for the back seats on school trips but without the fun element... i tend to deliberately overeact to all these types in the hope that they might learn and become better people. i enjoy the company of my friends and am quite open to randoms. i like being outside i enjoy the rain as much as i do the sun. i fall in love (i use this term loosely) on average about five times a day with passers by. i'm usally confident yet very self-conscious and paranoid but don't give a flying monkeys at the same time... if that makes any sense. i like to know facts (mostly trivial) and have a tendency to preach them to everyone. i like words and use "big/clever" ones that alot of the time i don't know the true meaning of in hope to portray a higher level of intellect of myself. i like dogs, they're definitely up near the top of the food chain if i was in charge. food is good too i love it. i can't cook alot at the moment but its on the to-do list. i'm not a fan of routine. i'm quite a loving man within reason. i usually go about things the hard and long way, if it doesn't take alot of effort then its not worth doing in my eyes. i'm a mummy's boy but not by choice she just sorts things for me before i get a chance to. my thoughts are quite impulsive and random. i enjoy creativity along with science. i've never watched harry potter nor lord of the rings. Alan Sugar is my new hero, hes everything that i'm not and for that reason i love him. i think i think too much. i like to tell people stories usually ones of my past experiences. i love cars fast ones yet am constantly trying to forget about them as they cost alot. anywhos i don't think i've ever written something where i've used the word 'i' so much before in my life so i'm gonna leave it at that, Peace. oh one more thing i'm not very good at articulating things escpecially explanations......