While Michael is exploring a place called India, Licktronica will be looked after by the capable (and soft) hands of Robert and Mooken. Their lovely night of lovely music has been running for over three years, first at kro2 and then at common bar in Manchester's northern quarter. Its nearly always on the first sunday of every month, Past guests include:Machinefabriek, soccerCommittee, Wouter Van Veldhoven, Goodiepal, Move D, Andy Stott, Naomi Kashiwagi, The Boats, Pendle Coven, Sean Vinylment, Helios, Ulrich Schnauss, Claro Intelecto, Matt Wand, Mooken, Howie Bgood, Monika Herodotou, Alex Bond, U-Basstard, Greg Haines, Danny Saul and not forgetting Xela our part time resident and everything expert. Robert Bailey, Keswicklemon and Mooken are the full time selectors in residence providing music from Burnley to Berlin and beyond all the way into next month.
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