Breath taking Experiences! Memories!the zoo. learning more about life everyday! My Beliefs! Snow and Skateboarding. wake bording in the summer VAUGHN BAY!! Bruce campbell
I stare into eyes and realize many if not all things about a person. eyes can withold very little if not absolutly nothing. Life moves one whether we do or not"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you." -Matt. 5:44Senor Jesus, con tu muerte y resurreccion tu nos has liberado de el pecado. Porque con tu inmenso amor, vivimos una nueva vida de gracia, Que tu lglesia proclame tu santa palabra y que los gobernantes del mundo se unan para terminar con la violencia y la opresion, creando un mundo nuevo, en el que reine siempre la gloria de la resurreccion. amen
Anything. Norah jones, avenged sevenfol, eric clapton, mc chris, bowie, floyd, raft, but mostly anything loud, hard, and fast!
I love movies that make me cry. feel good. anything to do with bruce campbell. unstrung heros, life is beautiful. any forigen film. subtitles are a must...eternal sunshine. buba hotep, man with the screaming brain. any thing john candy or richard prior think thats how you spell it
Dont have time for television!
R.A. Salvatore, the bible, rick warren. anything that tells me how i should live my life. to better myself. christine freehan, the phone book, dictionary
I have no use for heros. the only one out to save me is myself and my lord God!Who ever apeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward Whoever cannot take care of himself without this law is both For wounded man shall say to his asailent... If I live I will kill you, If I die you are forgiven, Such is the rule of honor!