of producers, writers, engineers, and recording artist
available for your project. We can plan your next event
with entertainment for a low, low price. So, hit us up!
Call 443-312-6142
"Text Us!" now for booking, mixtape,
or studio time information only! Type Your Message Here!
Rest in Peace Quinton aka Dutch
October 5, 1983 - May 10, 2007
(Click on the flyer for more information)
.. T-Shirt's on sale! Just $20.00 w/free S/H. body{scrollbar-arrow-color:FF0000;scrollbar-Track-Color:3333 33;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:FF0000;scrollbar-base-color:FF0 000;scrollbar-Face-Color:333333;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:FF000 0;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:FF0000;