My Blog
well...what else is there to do when you have to sit in an airport for three more hours?
yes. i just actually paid three dollars to sit on the internet for 15 minutes. why? because i have been sitting in this airport since 5pm and it is now almost 9pm and i have just finished reading a 25...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 22:41:00 GMT
the perks of being a wallflower
So tonight when i got home from my cousin's wedding, that i had a spectacular time at, i stumbled across a book that i haven't read in awhile but at one point was my favorite. I was looking through it...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 01:14:00 GMT
am I a douchebag magnet?
So as I was laying down to sleep, like I should be since I have to work 12 hours tomorrow starting at 11, I was thinking about all the people I've met this past year. Looking back on it, at least half...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 02:14:00 GMT
i’ve decided today that...
...i'm going to take a semester off of school to travel. not travel anywhere crazy, just around the country and such. i'm just so sick of having to deal with people and their insecurities. w...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 16:45:00 GMT
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
"There are no random acts.That we are all connected. That you can no more seperate one life from another than you can seperate a breeze from a wind"
"It is because the human spirit knows, deep down, t...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 22:49:00 GMT
ex marks the spot.
love is just another word for painit's a broken record repeating the same thingwhen you want it it's not therewhen you have it you don't carewhen i lose it in the end...the heartbreak, the heartache i...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 22:24:00 GMT
R.I.P. my puppy molly
not going to lie, i'm pretty upset. we had to put my dog to sleep yesterday, and i didn't get to say bye to her or anything. I mean yah she was a pain in the ass but i loved her. As weird as this soun...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 13:31:00 GMT
soo i got my tarrot cards read today...
...and it was pretty awesome. well. first of all. this lady told me that i want to be a journalist which in fact i do. she was all like thats what you were born to do blah blah blah. she also told me ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 01:24:00 GMT
Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off
GO DOWNLOAD THIS SONG. its my new favorite.
Is it still me that makes you sweat?Am I who you think about in bed?When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress? The...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 01:01:00 GMT
god damn the liquor stores closed...
Let's get fucked up and die..I'm speaking figuratively, of course..Like the last time that I committed suicide.. social suicide..Yeah, so I'm already dead on the inside,But I can still pretend with my...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 07:13:00 GMT