<CACO~~ profile picture


Can you make the cipher complete?

About Me

A being with an extraordinary appetite for F-U-N. Enjoy playing with the acronym children. Send your guesses, the winner will receive:
a dedicated song?
...or a picture of my schlong?
I search out the unusual experience, to do things so out of the ordinary that the word normal has become synonymous with boring. Normal in all its forms is an unacceptable option for me.
I'm always all in, because otherwise the payoff simply isn't big enough. I'm not talking about the satanic dollar, but the eternal search for a faster pulse.
If you don't smile enough, its your own fault.

My Interests

Sitting in my cubicle, playing with my heavy Swingline.
Catching flies with choptstix.
Waxing on AND Waxing off.
Building cakes. Cooking, eating and nice drink.
Searching out good Art and Music. I love 3D glasses and other things that alter the sight and sound. Friends, Sounds, Couches, Kron and Vino not necessarily in that order.

I'd like to meet:

My next imaginary best friend, and the little fucker on my left shoulder whispering "advice"


REAL Hip Hop, not that shit on pop radio or weakass Mtv. Jazz, Classical and Opera are always nice.
PUNK and Roots Reggae, any variation of Dub.
Drum and Bass, almost any Electronica.
good Country, ala Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash and Lost Trailers
My favorite is Turntablism; there is nothing like a DJ that keeps his head down mixing magic. DJ's are not to be confused with CD, record players, iPods or anything else that simply Q's up a hot joint.


Foriegn, Anime, Docs, Indies, and all snow, diving, surf, skate, biking, kayaking, climbing vids.
Adult Vids are fun too, the right companymakes them better.
Hollywood can eat a dick!
Rec: The "Whisky" series vids, which are the original Jackass.


Accelerating the decay of grey matter worldwide.


Make you more smart and shit.


Tron Carter, Ferris Bueller, Beaker, Colonel Hogan and Rick James, Bitch!

My Blog

my bassline

The light shining through a dark halloween week. 'twas my sunday homework assignment. in summary:And so closes of one of the more mentally enlightening weeks in many moons; I'm boxing up the mania and...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 06:08:00 PST

We meet again&

As you guys know I've been posting alot of dialogue pieces lately and have been enjoying developing them. I hope they are getting better. This one has been developing and changing and morphing for som...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 08:34:00 PST

Turnpike South

So it's game time, and the blind fury that is the crowd at The Ville to witness a game of this magnitude is headed towards the gates. I bid my "Que te's&" to the peeps, as my seat is an ace. I'll be...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:31:00 PST

Turnpike North

Here is a first. Was bored and went over the events of a recent trip, ended up on the monitor. Never mixed conversation into the a piece, not sure it works out but regardless-its here for y'all.As I h...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 11:37:00 PST

boat life

So awhile back I started writing this story. It's something of a project I'd like to further develop into a book. I work on it every now and then, but I feel I'm going to develop it forwards and backw...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 12:27:00 PST

pounds or kilograms?

There comes a point in time, where we all falter. We have a misstep. Then we question the pain we feel, we question the events that led up to this. It's something I've lived with my whole life. Oft...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 09:49:00 PST

Queen Beatrix transmission

I've been wondering lately, exactly when was it that the system preferences were changed. Did someone hack into my system? One of those Trojan Horse viruses or something? As recently as 6 months ago,...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:44:00 PST

300 seconds

A friend came over and got me baked yesterday. Once he left I decided to write like I used to. Set the timer for 5 minutes and see what flowed out. Lately, I've been writing then sitting on it, editi...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 05:43:00 PST

hurry up and wait

"Hurry up and wait!" He processes. The concept is a tough Pill to swallow, for someone of this level of Type A+ and OCD for good measure. This sucks he thinks, and he wonders why he can't be lactose ...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:12:00 PST

Pura Vida 2

D4: The day without the monkey started as just that. Don't know whether it was the unexpected room upgrade or what, but I woke up on my own terms. At five ante meridian on the nose, what the fuck? ...
Posted by <CACO~~ on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 08:05:00 PST