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Positive people in our society that are trying to and/or already making a long lasting impact on our world, all cultures. People that are changing the way life is normally taken for granted and maintaining the respect it is due.
My music vibe mainly focuses on Old School R&B, Today's R&B, Gospel... my taste varies. Favorites: Stevie Wonder, Bobby Womack, "Younger- Off the Wall" Micheal Jackson, to name a few...Including this guy...He can SAAAANG!
MR. RANDY WATSON.....yess!
I Love Comedy
But I also like Dramas and Action
Two Must See Movies: One is of one of my Favorite Comedian Friends- Chris Tucker... Love You!.. Check out Teaser for RH3
Then there is Norbit...Eddie Murphy...MMM MMM MMM.. This a another genius comedy...
Don't watch television much, but if I had to choose, my Favorites would be:
That's So Raven,Half and Half,Girlfriends,Vh1, HGTV, Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith, ...I like Sports...Yes I do. However, mainly Basketball (Lakers, Heat, & Hornets...For Real)...Trying to Learn a bit of Football..(Thanks, Neesh! 2/3)
All of Dr. Ben Carson's Books... Maya Angelou Poetry...Terry McMillan's Disappearing Acts... TD Jakes He-Motions, "Yes, men, taking an effort to learn about Ya'll"...CS Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia... Very Good!....Too Many to name
Jesus!....My parents definately, both of my brothers, My daughter- so small, yet so wise and smart...So many others that assisted in paving the way for opportunities to open, from Abraham(in the Bible) to Martin Luther King... A lot of Wonderful people have helped shape who we are and mold freedom, education, love, and values- These attributes that are priceless to each unique individual. For That... Thank You