~*Tiara*~ profile picture


.u can look, u can search...but u will never find a chick like me.

About Me

*Welcome to My ~Exquisite~ Page* My name is .Tiara. I'm an 18-year-old, young woman with many goals, aspirations, and dreams that I wish to achieve in the near future. I'm basically on this site to stay in contact with friends and family...and to meet new people at my school {North Carolina A&T State University}!!Also, I'm a HUGE fan of my boo- Bow Wow...he'll never be wack to me,I could care less what everyone else thinks they believe! I'm also a GIANT fan of my second love- Weezy F. Baby bka Lil' Wayne!! He's been in the game for a looong time and I've been feeling him all the while!I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

~Bow Wow~Beyonce~JayZ~Karrine "SuperHead" Steffans~Sanaa Lathan~


*Bow Wow*Jagged Edge*TI*Lil'Wayne*India Arie*Lauryn Hill*Chris Brown*
Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits: .oNe in A milLion. aAliYah
Waking up: .hapPy fAce. dEstInyS chIld
Average day: .a WomAns wOrth. mAxwElL
First date: .sPecIal gIrl. dOnNel jOnes
Falling in love: .tHe cLosEr i gEt tO yOu. bEyonCe and lUther vAndRoss
Love scene: .lOve. mUsIq sOulChiLd
Fight scene: .cOnfEsSions pt 2. uShEr
Breaking up: .wHerE i WanNa be. dOnElL jOneS
Getting back together: .lEts gEt mArRied. jaGgEd edGe
Secret love: .uNfAitHful. rihAnNa
Life's okay: .sImPle tHinGs. uSher
Mental breakdown: .mE,mYseLf, aNd i. bEyOnCe
Driving: .'03 bOnNie & cLyde. jaYz & bEyonCe
Learning a lesson: .dOo wOp (thAt thIng). lAurYn hIlL
Deep thought: .uNwRitTen. nAtaSha bEdingFielD
Flashback: .sOnG cRy. jaYz
Partying: .gIrls juSt wAnNa haVe fUn.
Happy dance: .nUmBer 1. pHarRel
Regreting: .wAteRfaLls. tLc
Long night alone: .pRiVatE pArTy. iNdIa aRie
Death scene: .fReE. dEstInYs cHiLd
Closing credits: .sAy gOoDbYe. cHriS bRown
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~Love and Basketball~Brown Sugar~ATL~Like Mike~Roll Bounce~Pocahontas~Waiting to Exhale~


~The Hills~Laguna Beach~Girlfriends~The Suite Life of Zach and Cody~That's So Raven~Hannah Montana~hmm, almost anything on MTV or Disney Channel~


To Name A Few: *Confessions of A Video Vixen-Karrine Steffans *God Dont Like Ugly and God Still Dont Like Ugly-Mary Monroe *Delta Sisters-Kayla Perrin *Addicted-Zane *The Coldest Winter Ever-Sister Souljah *No Disrespect-Sister Souljah *Their Eyes Were Watching God-Zora Neale Hurston......and the list goes on and on and on!


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