l love to party and shred on my bmx bike i love to read books sike who does that shit ne more surly not me,Scremo music what represent that shit all the way who can go a day with out listening to that shit.I also like to hunt and destroy things with my freinds
hmmmmm....who i would like to meet? u tell me!!!! i would like to meet ne one who dosent go out to eat and order a salad and a water that makes me mad and makes u a pussy.....there will be no one else out going like the one and only HEATHER TODD dont worry though she is already tooken and im proud to say that she is mine my little bro... my nugga!! but still SP
Scremo of course,EMERY,UNDEROATH,ALEXIS ON FIRE,NORMA JEAN,from first to last,bayside the killers,postal service,the used,senses fail,taking back sunday,hawthorne heights,thursday,my chemical rommance,brand new,brandston,early november,the stills
any funny movie floats my boat or a really good action movie with a girl at the sidethe best movie in the world if u have this u are my hero!!!!!
Snow White,Beauty and the Beast ne thing with a happy ending
who reads books it is over rated donsent everyone read enough in school? IM TRYIN TO GET A GIRL AND WRITE MY OWN LIFE STORY WITH ME AND HER
anyone who shreds on a bike espically van homan the one and only. Richard simmons he keeps the ladies slim for friday nights in the club. and the team sweeping the nation SP house by house