Most entertainment mediums. The Outdoors. Computers. Baseball. Bacon.test
The guy who came up with the idea to make those little single-serving condiment packets. Pure genius!
Currently in heavy rotation: Greg Graffin, Snow Patrol, Gnarls Barkley, 36CF, Delgados, NOFX, Death Cab, TMBG.
Star Wars, LOTR, Billy Madison, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine, Back to the Future, All Kevin Smith works, Good Will Hunting, Donnie Darko, Tron, Serenity, Sling Blade, Harry Potter, Spider Man, American History X, Big Lebowski, Ferris Bueller, Fear and Loathing, Napoleon Dynamite, X-Men, Kill Bill, V for Vendetta
Arrested Development (RIP), Lost, 24, Firefly (RIP), The Daily, The Colbert Report, Grey's Anatomy, Aqua Teens, Space Ghost, Venture Bros, Game shows, Cops, Raw, Simpsons. Lately we've been watching Last Comic Standing and Treasure Hunters.
Chuck Palahniuk, Stephen King, Hunter Thompson, Kurt Vonnegut, Ken Kesey, Douglas Adams, Gregory McDonald, Howard Zinn, J.K. Rowling, George Orwell, Timothy Zahn
RJD. Need I say more?