Knowledge, Wing Tsun, Real Music(not no beats with Bullshit spat over them by fuckin' pretenders), "Trees", and Positive Enhancments to my cypher.
Any one who can add positively to my Cypher! That, and intelligent, ambitious, respectable, young ladies, That are open minded, and willing to learn and experience new/exciting things.
Wu-Tang Killa Beez, The Communicators, The Living Mechanizm, QuantuMechaniX, Cihuatl Tonali, Mr. Lif, Talib, The 5%, Jurassic 5, Canibus, KRS One, Dead Prez, Swollen Members, NonPhixion, Aztlan Underground, Hierogliphix, Atmosphere, C-Rayz-Walz, Immortal Technique, Anciano Hereje, The Boogiemonsters, Midnite, Sizzla, MF Doom, Ill Bill, Onyx, Buck Shot, and many others not restricted to a specific genre, but knowledge must be present.
Kung Fu Flix, Knowledgeable ones, and Funny with positive messages. Anything by Akira Kurosawa. Samurai X & Ruroni Kenshin, are a must
The Simpsons and that's it.
Hagakure, Wing Tsun Kuen, Koran, Bible, self help, and Health... Knowledge is power!!
No one is a true heroe in my eyes. Most people usually do shit only for themselves. Guess I can say, I'm the only heroe I know.