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My NaMe Is JeNnA!!
I aM FuN..OuTgOiNg..CrAzY!! I pArTy LiKe A rOcKsTaR aNd LoVe To Do WiLd AnD cRaZy ThInGs. I hAtE bEiNg BoReD AnD iM aLwAyS loOkiNg FoR sOmEtHiNg To Do!
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I could list over 40 different bands like everyone else...but who has that much time in there life n who cares enough to read them all. So I like ALL types as long as it is a goody :)
I dont know...but I'd have to say that I have always liked Girl Interrupted...GREAT MOVIE! And all of the other ones that caught/catch my attention and I am able to watch it over n over again.
Don't watch much of it...nothing else to be said, but That 70's show rocks!!!
ummmmm...enough to be said, ha.
Anyone who loves and respects me...oh and can't 4get the rockstars!!!!