About Me
asian rich saved my life. he's basically my brother, just blacker. i some how end up seeing him naked, or hearing about positions that he knows, and practices on me. he has a lot of storys that are madd funny. he once called some kid eyebrows at six brothers .he likes fried chicken, grape snapple, biscuts and other black things like that. rich also has a chicken that likes to get fucked up. oh yeah i second what T said. nigga -Croganmahh nigga asian rich is best.i have known him for a long time and he has never faild to make me crack up. he is my boy and he always was my back. im to high to wriht this -BreaAyo my names asian rich........ and im better then and if you dont like it get off my page P.s fuck those haters -Tiagoasian rich is my favorite boy in the whooole world.the fact he cant pronounce bubblegum and poptart makes me love him even more !!he always calls me when i ask him to wake me up in the morning so i dont sleep all day.every time we go to the mall we always try to steal the bunnys from the pet store and i always get nervous and tell him to stop cause i know he'd really do it. he'll pretty much do anything. i love going on adventures with rich. and making fun of people with him. and stealing the flowers off peoples front lawns with him! BONNIE&CLYDE 2007. I LOVE YOU BAY BAY- LindsayFirst off, if you don't know who asian rich is, you have some serious problems. he has the greatest stories, penis tricks, and sex moves ever. so if you've never heard or seen any of that shit, ask him one day when you end up at one of his parties, and you will die laughing. one of the coolest niggas i know. p.s. "a day in the life of asian rich" the short film, coming soon. -Keremyou're the best friend a little girl could ask for! :) -Daniellei remember way back when i first saw asian rich and he had girls barrettes in his hair and it was all spiked out and shit and he had tight pants and shit. i thought he was gay. then i met asian rich again about a year ago and i hated him cuz i thought he was full of himself and full of shit. as brutally honest as this is, i have come to absolutely adore rich, his asian penis, and his brown ass like my own. he is definitely one of the funniest people i know and i love him for that. very very much.Rich is my dude. I'd do anything for this kid. Every fucking day is an adventure and I love him for that. He's the only kid on the planet that can eat Six Brothers every night and not get sick of it. Or lie everytime about not having food when me, Casey, Chris and Crogs need muchies. Every night, every blunt, every beer, every party, every game of guitar hero i'll never forget. Hes my fucking brother. My man truly is a one of a kind friend and I'm gald to have him as mine. So all you faggots that add him on myspace or all you scene bitches that want to see his wang. FUCK OFF his mine. Baleee Dat Shit Sonnnnnnnnnn. -Johnny BAsian rich is one fly dude. he likes to get naked. he is my best friend. he makes me laugh really hard. he got his name legally changed to asian rich. sometimes he likes to leave condoms at my house hoping my dad will find them. today he is a hooker. -Katie Bthe first time i met rich i was immediatley frightened by him because he kept wipping his dick out and gyrating with it ... then i got over it and realized that he is the funniest fucking person i have ever met, not to mention the most giving. i mean sure he teaches ann to say 'pussy' and 'balls'.. sure he pees in girls hair, gives them the wrecking ball, and attempts sabotages on them.. that's just what makes him asian rich. -AmandaHmm. how to desribe Asian Rich. Welcoming , Friendly, Honest. Someone who you can never picture backstabbing you, and somehow manages to always be there when you need him most. When hearing someone else's laughter is all you need to make you happy, Rich is perfect for the job. -RooAsian rich: how can i describe asian rich, you know those people you meet who immediatly give you teh feeling that its okay to be yourself around them? the people that just put a smile on your face and make you happy to be around them. thats who asian rich is, he is the light of the party, and seriously one of the most genuine people alive. nothing but love -DilsuzASIAN RICH WHAT CAN I SAY EXCEPT I LOVE YOU, i've peed too many times across the street, when i walk into your basement i either fall down the stairs or the first thing i smell is beer and chicken, which i add does not smell that great hahaha, but rich you mean ALOT to me, you always know how to cheer me up, and nothing makes me happier than you do! we always make fun of one person, and it's so funny, my job is to photoshop you in pictures, steal your phone, and make you laugh everytime i smell my fingers, no one laughs harder than you, and next time we have dinner at the burke household, IT FEELS SO GOOD WHEN I GO TO NURSING SCHOOL, hahaha you protect me from stalkers, thank god cause i would have gotten raped, my god i love you, too much to write so i'll stop, HNDAzn. i honestly cant begin to tell you the generosity that this kid has for all of us, his closest friends. you got no boges? he's got one left? it's yours. hands down the funniest kid i know, and i love smokin at his house cuz he's the funniest motherfucker ever when your blazed. rich, from all the sick ass parties you allow in your house to the days where its just a couple of us sittin around playin guitar hero, nobody matches up to you, i love you and your penis to death, your my brother. 33 -Smith