Hey _O jaz your so fine your so fine you blow my mind lol XD newho yeah long long journey i had with you but hey it happens ya know? woooooop but yeah o_o lets see if i can make this a long one anyways friendship is a great thing you know ill never abuse yours i care for you so much and you know how much i do care for you things happens ^_^ so yeah i just wanted to say that you are one person i wont ever ever ever forget hehehehe so dont forget abotu your little dick *inside joke* hahahhahah anyway yeah i love you jasmine ^_^ in a straight way yep yep if anything you can always talk to me about it cuz i wanna be there _O mwah
=O7.O6.O7= hi jaz ! okay, so my last invason sucked. and i said i would do another one. so here i am. tee hee. well yeah. obviously its july six. a friday and we going to regency which means, i can see you ! yay ! and hug you like no one can, =heh heh, lisa be jealous= so yeah. because ofcourse i havent seen you in forever, not included when i saw you with your family in the car with rc to buy some cigarettes legally. HAHA. well yeah its true. okay so enough about the recent stuff, i shall continue on talking about you. so ive known you since i was like 6 7 8 ? which ever one that was. it was funny because i remember the day i met you. it was all like. we were at regency and i would always see you. and sometimes say hi to you. and then like ayie and i and the rest of my cousins were playing hide and seek truth and dare. so like if you get tagged you have to do a dare or say the truth thingy. and i chose dare and they said say hi to a person you dont know. and i said hi to you, because i didnt like going up to strangers and i sort of but not really knew you. but it was good enough. and then i met jessica then justin. and now you one of my bestfriends. tee hee. what a lovely story, right ? haha. well yeah. its cool. and funny, because throughout the whole time ive known you, since your dad was in the military, you guys were always going to, =but never did= move. and it turned out that i was moving. it sucked. but hey, im here again. and jc jojo and jj are going back to regency. and my sister and brother might move back. and the old times could come back. tee hee. omelettes.
Hm…Ok. So This is Raquel er..R.C. but yeah. Jaz calls me Cupid. =) whee! Yeah right now only Jaz and Lisa has the right to call me cupid since I did kinda hook them up. Maybe just a little. So This girl. Uh..She’s GAY! Like for real. And she’s mean too =( she likes hitting me. Haha. Her bed is very very comfortable and also her couches. Meh her house in general is comfy. I’m always there. Hehe. But yeah…I met Jaz half of Freshmen year? So that gives us…3 and half years together? But we didn’t even get close until end of Senior year. How gay is that right? It’s all good though. Now we have freaking class together in college and whatnot so yeah. Sounds fun. =) Oh and just to let you know. SHE’S A PEDOFILE! Yup! Coz her girlfriend is only 16 and she’s whaaatt?? 18? DAMN! But then again I did set them up. Yaay! Ok enough getting sidetracked Jasmine is crazy with her guitar. When she plays she can make me go to sleep. And yeah her voice is so Harmonic like wow. Oh yeah and she’s a breaker! And Jaz and I needa to go Rage. =) Okie dokie. I think I’m done and oh yeah I love you buddy. Lisa you’re gay. =) you don’t have to put this part. =)
Wells let me begin from d beginning... i've known Jaz for ROUGHLY ... 6-7 Years almost.. yeh loong time.. we're close lyk family... well we kinda hard.. but yeh.. u kno ^_^... well ... she's a great person w/ many HIDDEN TALENTS... nd SUPRISES FOR EVERYONE ^_^ hahahaha... ill continue this later.. cuz im gettin tired.. hehe.. oki doki 3 ya Jazzy!
The Academy Is..
Air Gate
Amber Pacific
Boys like girls
From First To Last
Dashboard Confessional
Daphne Loves Derby
The Used
Meg & Dia
My American Heart
Reynard Silva
Matchbook Romance
Armor For Sleep
As i lay dying
Brand New
i cant possibly list them all
*V for Vandetta
*The D.E.B.S.
*The Notebook
*Josie and the Pussycats
*Kamikaze Girls (Japanese)
*She's All That
*Lemony Snikets: Tales of Unfortunate Events
*Saving Face
*Save The Last Dance For Me
*A Love To Kill
*One Missed Call 1-2
*A Millionaire's First Love
*Wishing Stairs
*My Wife Is A Gangster 1, 2 & 3
*Loving Annabelle
My Mom and Dad of course...and especially my friends...even though I do act weird at school...they still treat me the same and not differently...that's what I like about them..^__^ thanks you guys...