Performing in front of a big audience that does not require me to speak but to dance! Island dancing is the most flirty way to express one's self and at the same time feel beautiful!
I'd like to meet Usher after he breaks out of another relationship so that I could be the person he cries to, the shoulder he leans on and the waist he would be squeezing so tightly with his grrrrrrrrrr...*waking up* Oh but that would never happen, so I guess for NOW, I would not mind meeting a lot of new free spirited ppl and catching up with a lot of my old friends. Not old like OLD..but you know :)
Best of friends- CIA clique!Poly Mix
Our Heavenly Father! For He has molded me into the woman that I am, it is He, who is responsible for getting me this far, for blessing me with the courage to step up and being who I am, and granting me with my unique sense of tackling the world through my self's perception, my self's inner strength and most importantly the self that makes it easy to distinguish Simeamativa Peleiupu Kruse Smith from everybody else!