Dr. Bot and the Research profile picture

Dr. Bot and the Research

to the face

About Me

To describe ourselves in a way to better clarify our sound and where we come from, musically speaking, we can definitely be classified as experimental, free form, freely-improvised jazz, or even post jazz/post rock. But the music of Dr. Bot and the Research is much more than a title. It is the expression of the deepest regions of our minds and our hearts. It is a testament to every note that ever inspired us to pour our souls into these very instruments. It also acts as a guide for not only us, the musicians who created the music, but also for other musicians and people alike to see and understand that there are unexplored terrains of music and sound. As a trio of music hungry lunatics, we strive to break barriers and conventional molds. Restraints such as these hinder the musical spirit and leave notes, rhythms, and basic music theory sounding stale, the only reaction being a yawn. So, to you, we would like to present ourselves as a musical "gateway" group. Some one to show that the future of sound is constantly evolving and that the future of musical experimentation is under our constant research. ...to be continued-Dr. Botmyspace layouts for Get this layout for your myspace page.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/5/2006
Band Members: THE BAND: Travobot-trumpet, rotating leslie speaker, vox, melodica, more effects than you can piss at. Gerard Cox, a.k.a. "Sticky Fingas"- Rhodes, Hammond organ, stage piano, scratchpads, more effects than you can piss at, ongoing pissing contest between Trav and Gerard. Casey Wright- traps. "Auxillary" members :Hasan Abdur-Razzaq- congas, alto saxophone. DJ Scheme- extraterrestrial turntables.
Influences: the idea that there are unexplored terrains of music, sound and experience
Sounds Like: Post Jazz/Post Rock
Type of Label: None

My Blog

May '07 update of our activities

We are currently in the process of finalizing two full-length cds: 1- a studio recording done in February '07-- "Beauty of The Blur", (CURRENT sound samples are from this session) and a live recording...
Posted by Dr. Bot and the Research on Sat, 19 May 2007 08:54:00 PST