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Your Death made simple by PSOLaguna
Your real name
Date Of Birth-00/00/00
Youll die on April 26, 2038
You die of Natural Causes,or so they say
Your Death Will Cost $742,655
Youll go to You'll stick around earth.

Quiz created with MemeGen !


What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 77%
Kissing Skill Level - 91%
Cudding Skill Level - 11%
Sex Skill Level - 95%
Why They Love You You give much more than you receive.
Why They Hate You You can be selfish.
This quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 120 Times. New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology
Shit About You
*The Basics*
Name---: Jug-Head
Age---: 23
Birthday---: 9-11-82
Height---: 6'3
Weight---: 234lbs
School/grade---: college
Righty/lefty---: righty
Hair color---: black
Eye color---: hazel brown
Skin color---: light. i look white insted of Mex&rRican
Heritage/nationality---: mexican/puerto rican/& lebanese
Screen name---: al_weezie@yahoo
*Your Favorite*
Color---: white
Movie---: american history X
Band---: DIPSET
Type of music---: rap/hip hop
Season---: winter & summer
Book---: ??????
Magazine---: KING
TV Show---: Happy Dayz
Drink---: Hennesey
Thing to wear---: White tee and jeans/shorts and a fitted.
Shoes---: white jordans
*Your Friends*
Best friend(s)---: i got a few.no names tho!
Knows the most about you---: brother
Funniest---: Tommy G
Known the longest---: J Bizzle
Best for advice---: Moch
Trustworthy---: Moch/J Bizzle
Hang out with the most---: Moch/Gord/Vince/Tommy G
Weirdest---: Tommy G
Most like you---: Moch
Most athletic---: Tommy G
Shoulder to cry on---: Mach/Gord/Tommy G
*You && Love*
Orientation---: Str8
Are you in a relationship---: nope
With who---:
For how long---:
Are you in love---: not yet
Do you have a crush on anyone---: no
Ever been cheated on---: yup
Ever cheat on someone---: nope
Ever been close to love before---: yup
*The First*
Best friend---:
Screen name---:
Pet's name---:
* The Last*
Thing you drank---: henny and cranberry
Movie you watched---: Grandma's Boi
Song you listened to---: top laid ak/ T.I.
Phone call---: ?????
Text message---: ?????
Person that told you "I love you"---: mom
Person you thought about---: hmmm...
*Pick one*
Short/pants---: shorts
Books/movies---: comedy's
Night/day---: night
Snow/sun---: sun
Guys/girls---: girls
Rock/rap---: rap
Showers/baths---: showers
*Have You Ever*
Been arrested---: yea
Been on a blind date---: yea
Been out of the country---: yea
Smoked or tryed---: yea
Had a hangover---: yea
Fallen for a neighbor---: yea
Fallen for a best friend---: um.. kinda
Stayed up all night---: yup
Had someone of the opposite sex sleepover---: yup
*For or Against*
Gay marriage---: hell nah...against
Abortion---: against
Bush as president---: against
Suicide---: against
War---: for
*Do You Believe In..*
God---: yup
Organized religion---: yea
Love at first sight---: maybe
Soulmates---: sumtimes
Luck/chance---: sumtimes
Miracles---: sumtimes
*The Future*
Do you want to go to college? Where and for what?---: i am`
Want to get married? What age?---: yea/???
Want kids? How many?---: yup/ a few
Where do you want to live?---: ?????
Where do you want to get married?---: ??????
Future job---: sumthin simple
*Some Random Stuff*
Piercings---: 3/ears and tongue
Tattoos---: 4 on my arms/bout 2 b 6
Something you hate---: liars
I miss---: bein a teen
I want---: alot!!!
Because---: every1 wants more!!
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