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Mrs. Mojorisin

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm making some changes! Ok, some of you know...this is the box I'm supposed to update on a semi-regular basis, but as of right now I have found it pretty much impossible to find time to do anything other than check my messages. I'll get to it...I'll get to it! :P
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us "universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest...a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty." -- Albert Einstein
"We have all some experience of a feeling, that comes over us occasionally, of what we are saying and doing having been said and done before, in a remote time - of our having been surrounded, dim ages ago, by the same faces, objects, and circumstances - of our knowing perfectly what will be said next, as if we suddenly remembered it!" Charles Dickens

“There is a drowsy state, between sleeping and waking, when you dream more in five minutes with your eyes half open, and yourself half conscious of everything that is passing around you, than you would in five nights with your eyes fast closed, and your senses wrapt in perfect unconsciousness. At such time, a mortal knows just enough of what his mind is doing, to form some glimmering conception of its mighty powers, its bounding from earth and spurning time and space, when freed from the restraint of its corporeal associate.” Charles Dickens
The AmeriCorps Pledge-"I will get things done for America - to make our people safer, smarter and healthier. I will bring Americans together to strengthen our communities. Faced with apathy, I will take action. Faced with conflict, I will seek common ground. Faced with adversity, I will persevere. I will carry this commitment with me this year and beyond. I am an AmeriCorps member and I will get things done."-

/ Spiral - Image Hosting

YES! I AM A COLLEGE DROPOUT! Yes, it's true. I graduated Valedictorian of the Marion County R-II Class of 2003 with a 4.0 GPA. I then went out into the world and did exactly what any good 4.o student is expected to do...attend a four year university. A year and a half later, I did the unspeakable, I dropped out! (GASP!) There were several contributing factors to my shortened college career, enough to fill a page and then some, but the reasons are not important. My decision to come home, work, pay bills, and live was probably the best decision I ever made. I will go back to school one day, but I will go when I am good and ready to, and not because society expects me to.A quick note to all of those reading this who knew me from high school, don't shake your head in disbelief, and don't shake your head in disappointment. Don't say, "That's too bad." And don't pity me. I am doing well, and I am more content with my life right now than I have ever been before. I am finding my place in this world just like you, I have just chosen a different path than what most of you expected from me. I LOVE MY JOB! I finally made the decision to join AmeriCorps. (Thanks to Joe for his support!) I am working at the Adams County Chapter of the American Red Cross as the health and safety educator of the underserved. I teach a whole curriculum of health and safety classes ranging from CPR and First Aid to Water Safety. Mostly I work with kids and I love it. This is the first job that I have ever had where I feel like I'm making a difference. It also happens to be the first office job I have ever had, which includes my own office! I'm not making very much money, but my service in AmeriCorps is not about the money. It's about the experience and the opportunities it will open up for me after my year of service. For anyone looking for a life changing opportunity, I would say definately look into AmeriCorps. If you have any questions drop me a line!
I'M WATCHING YOU! When I tell you that I'm a people person, I guess I should probably say, I'm a person who loves watching people. It's my very favorite thing to do. I'm a VERY hard person to bore because of my interest in watching people. I like to watch how people react to situations, environment, and other people. I learn alot from people watching. The most important thing I've learned is how to get along with anyone, even with people I don't like. It helps me with nearly everything in my everyday life. So when I say I never get bored, I really mean it! Religion and Politics Anyone? Not for me! My blog is my own personal space to discuss anything I want including religion and politics; however, and please read this carefully. I AM NOT INTERESTED IN DISCUSSING RELIGION OR POLITICS WITH YOU! Through chat rooms and forums, as well as real life situations, I have come to find out that there is no such thing as casually discussing politics or religion. "Discussions" usually turn into pointless endless arguements and if there is one thing I hate it is pointless meaningless conversation. You have your opinions and I have mine. There is NO WAY I'm going to change your mind and there is NO WAY you are going to change my mind. The whole "agree to disagree" thing is a-ok by me. If you want to know what my position on something is, by all means ask, and I will tell you, but unless your opinion is the same as mine it is a lost cause to try to engage me in "discussion". Another exception would be if you were to prove to me that you are capable of a respectful discussion versus an endless arguement, then I might be persuaded to discuss with you.

With the above being said, it is important that I do point out that, although I loathe pointless and endless arguements about religion and politics, I do thoroughly enjoy a good debate. Those of you who know me would say I just love to argue. This is NOT TRUE! The difference between pointless argueing and delightful debate is the education. I find that most people who argue about religion and politics don't really know what they are talking about. They "know" where they stand on an issue, but not why. In a debate is important to know not only where you stand but why. In a debate you respect your opponents opinions as their own. In a good debate you go in understanding that you are NOT going to change my mind, but are willing to present your point of view in good faith of my own willingness to respect your opinion. As mentioned previously I have come to find that it is a near impossibility to find someone to actually debate with. Every corner I turn I can find someone willing to argue religion and politics, but I'll pass thank you! YES! LOVE ME OR HATE ME, I AM A NERD! I admit it. I am a nerd. I love to learn about things like frozen frogs and play board games like Trivial Pursuit. My all time favorite show is Stargate SG-1 and coming close in second place is Battle Star Galactica. I like to read for entertainment, but mostly I read for education. I like to watch PBS. I read Smithsonian Magazine and yes, I can tell you why the sky is blue! LOL! I do spend an awful lot of time pondering the universe, and yes I have seen the Star Trek movies! All of these things might be completely nerdy but these things help make me who I am, and if you don't like it, no one asked you anyways! :) BUT I'M A NERD WHO KNOWS HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME! I think I forgot to mention the fact that although I do play nerdy trivia games, I can often be found playing them intoxicated? (Wait...does that make me even MORE nerdy?) LOL. The point is I do like to have a good time. I love hanging out with my friends and family. Playing cards, watching stupid movies, dancing, singing kareoke, camping and concerts are all things I do too. So, I'm not such an insufferable nerd, am I? SHOUT OUT TO MY LITTLE SIS! I love my friends, but my family comes first. My mom and dad have done nothing but right by me, even when I was a selfish immature B#%&* of a daughter. They always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself, even when the rest of the world began to stop believing in me too, they believed in me. I am who I am today because of my mom and dad, because they didn't give up on me.
I'm so proud of my little sister Charlotte. She has undergone this miraculous transformation from a little girl to a beautiful young woman. She is smart, funny, and talented. I trust that girl with my life! I couldn't ask for a better sister!
My little brother Caleb is sunshine in my life. He may only be 11 years old, but he has taught me so much about myself and what kind of person I want to be. He is so much fun to be around. I don't know what I would do without him!
And my other little brother Josh! Yes, I know he doesn't look like he's my little brother, but he is I promise. I love him with all my heart. We don't always get along, ok , we rarely get along, lol, but I would do anything for him and I know he would do anything for me. We've been through alot and I wouldn't have wanted anyone else by my side than my big little brother! (HE CAN KICK YOUR ASS!)

My Interests

311 lyrics

WOW MySpace Cursors & MySpace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

I'm a people person and love to meet all different kinds of people!

INCUBUS lyrics


Very eclectic in my choices of music. If I had to choose just one band, the Doors would be it. If I had to choose just one singer, Mr.Mojorisin would be him.


Again, I'm very eclectic in choice of movies.


I don't usually have time to watch tv shows when they are supposed to be watched. Plus, I don't have cable so I have taken up watching TV on DVD. I'm a STARGATE SG-1 fanatic. I'm currently watching Battlestar Galactica Season 2 on DVD. I'm pretty big into the half hour sitcoms too. I appreciate that they are not so time consuming, I don't have to watch them every week to know what's going on,(in other words, I'm glad I don't have to commit), and most of their humor is smart. I love a quick laugh.


Current book: The Temple of the Winds- Terry Goodkind Many Ways To Nirvana- Dalai Lama


"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions." --Oliver Wendell Homes

My Blog

Mmm...for thought...

An excerpt from "Wizard's First Rule" by Terry Goodkind "Zedd's "reason" chair was empty. The reason chair was where Zed sat and thought until he figured out the reason for whatever it was that had sn...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:11:00 PST

Reality as a means for evolution

Found this today...interesting.  I'm not sure I agree with absolutely everything, but I did agree with several points, and I thought it was well written. I wanted to share it with those of you wh...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 02:34:00 PST


Well, I have successfully moved into a new office. (Still at the Red Cross.) Same job, new office, AND new phone extension. Any wild guesses at what the new phone extension assigned to me is? I'll giv...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 01:59:00 PST

Part One: Act now, salvation on sale!

"That's right ladies and gentleman, I know it may sound hard to believe, but folks it's true.  Now, for a limited time only ,you too can be saved in seven seconds! That's right, I said seven seco...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 02:13:00 PST

Please roll down your window..

I could have slept in ten more minutes today.  I do love my sleep, but not today. "Get moving, Amber!" that voice inside my head that I hear so often prompted me out of bed, even before the alarm...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Mon, 21 May 2007 02:55:00 PST

33 again...

It happened again on Saturday.  I  took one of my client's to the bowling alley to bowl with the guys from the group home. His personal score? 33 /Team score? 333 /Time? 2:33p.m. /Address on...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Mon, 14 May 2007 11:21:00 PST

Something else I know...

Scrubs is an awesome show too!
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:49:00 PST

There are so many things I don't know...but one thing I do know...

Seinfeld is an awesome show! ;)
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:22:00 PST

Lately I've been feeling like...

A duck trying to cross the Wal-Mart parking lot.I've been trying to put it into words for about a week and a half, and this week, nature just happened to put it into words for me. I was getting ready...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 08:17:00 PST

Pink Floyd...Us and Them...comes to mind

I'm tiring of this charade.  Why must it be kept? I know the reasons- I don't really need to be told. Yet the questions still beg to be asked.  Is what we possess truly that different t...
Posted by Mrs. Mojorisin on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 12:59:00 PST