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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

  I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( Everybody!! Thanks for coming by my page make sure you don't leave without letting me know that you were here. For those that don't know me, I am a highly educated young woman that is very goal oriented and determined to succeed. I work 2 full time jobs, I go to school fulltime, I am a fulltime mother and a fulltime wife. So with that being said...I don't have time for b.s. my time is much more valuable than trying to entertain ignorance!!! So fellas be respectful and keep in mind that I am not a myspace jump-off, groupie, skank, tramp, trick, slut, ho, whore or anything else that "BOYS" use to describe women. I am a Queen from Queens and I won't be treated as anything less! I don't have alot of spare time but when I do I usually enjoy spending it with the 3 men that make my world go 'round, no matter if we take a family trip or just call it a family blockbuster night. I'm a very cool person, very down to earth and easy to talk to. These are the qualities that make me a great friend.(Jusk ask any 1 of my friends!)I'm on myspace for networking purposes I am interested in alot of different things from music to fashion to comedy to education. I'm also on here to keep in touch with old friends so anybody that knows me make sure you get at a Sista.

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