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hmmm, if i am to describe myself, id say im a very less-complicated person... hmmm, proofs?? errr... heeh really, my philosophy in life is simple (that everything happens for a reason, thats why i barely bend my knees on the ground and sob, blaming people and circumstances for a painful event. but im bothered with the line i recently read, that people with this kind of ideals is coward and weakling, that everything is in manipulated by our own hands and will, duh, the different outlooks and previews in life never fail to make me ponder thoughts, thus driving me insane.... see im simple!!?!?!?!..heheheh) im also simple as manifested by my lifestyle.. i neither drink nor smoke, id prefer to cocoon myself at my room than go out on saturday night. id prefer reading my fave harry potter book or most-lived mags than hanging out with someone else's house. i also love toying our dog, his name is ron (short for ronald weasley, a cast in harry potter movie), i enjoyed carrrying him and soothing his thick fur...but believe me, im still anxious with doggs,hehe, i fear of being bit by them. i also dream of having a simple life, i only wanted to build my family in a serene environment, have a grandless yet really gay-full one...Name: Kathleen Kaye M. Laurente
Birthdate: October 26, 1986
Birthplace: Davao City
Current Location: Davao City
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 45 kg.
Piercings: earrings
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: ;)
Overused Phraze: "as in?!"
Food: cHoCoLaTeS, FrENcH fRiEs, aNy SwEeTs
Candy: i never fail to keep SnOw BeAr in my pocket
Number: 16=) 7
Color: im in love with the shades of BaBy PiNk, LaVaNdEr, PoWdEr BlUe, MiNt GrEeN
Animal: how i wish someone would send me a cute PuPpY
Drink: i cant live without WaTeR
Alcohol Drink: i don't drink=)
Letter: KkKkKkKkKkK=)
Body Part on Opposite sex: eYeS/ sKiN
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: i'd go for CokE
McDonalds or BurgerKing: I often drop by McDoNaLd
Strawberry or Watermelon: I miss Baguio's sTrAwBeRrY
Hot tea or Iced tea: nothing beats IcEd TeA
Chocolate or Vanilla ChoCoLaTes make me sweet
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: definitely id go for ChOcOlAtE
Kiss or Hug: HuGzZzZ is sweeter, believe me=)
Dog or Cat: Dog!!!!
Rap or Punk: rAp i gueess
Summer or Winter: SuMmEr!!! i want to go to beaches
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: you bet its FuNnY MoViEs
Love or Money: LoVe is hard to find!!
Bedtime: 2AM- 3AM?!?!....and most of the day,hehe
Most Missed Memory: my BagUiO, CeBu escapades
Best phyiscal feature: eYeS?!
First Thought Waking Up: GoD!!!
Goal for this year: to have GrAdEs with flying colors
Best Friends: JaNe, KaReN, GhINg, NeZlIe, MyRa, CyrIlLe, IrEnE, ShIeNa
Weakness: ChOcOlAtEs...im actually weak in anything
Fears: dying without doing big things for God
Longest relationship: 3 MoNtHs??nyahaha
Ever Drank: OnCe
Ever Smoked: NeVeR
Ever been Drunk: NeVeR
Ever been beaten up: NeVeR
Ever beaten someone up: NeVeR
Ever Shoplifted: NeVeR
Ever Skinny Dipped: NeVeR
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: ;)
Been Dumped Lately: NeVeR
Favorite Eye Color: BrOwN
Favorite Hair Color: BlAcK
Short or Long: ClEaN
Height: tAlL
Style: JuSt ClEaN and PrEsEnTaBlE
Looks or Personality: PeRsOnAlItY is priceless
Hot or Cute CuTe never fades off
Drugs and Alcohol: NeItHeR
Muscular or Really Skinny: WhAtEvEr
Number of Regrets in the Past: nOnE really
What country do you want to Visit: FrAnCe, UnItEd KiNgDoM
How do you want to Die: Die happy and fulfilled
Been to the Mall Lately: EvErYdAY
Do you like Thunderstorms: NyAyKs, I HaTe It
Get along with your Parents: YaH, especially with my DaD
Health Freak: AlMoSt, influenced by my course
Do you think your Attractive: just ChArMiNg
Believe in Yourself: yes but with great humility,wahehehe
Want to go to College: I'm in senior college right now
Do you Smoke: NeVeR
Do you Drink: NoT aNyMoRe
Shower Daily: Of CoUrSe
Been in Love: UnForTuNaTeLy YeS=(
Do you Sing: YaH, A LiTtLe;)
Want to get Married: when i reach 28 years of age??
Do you want Children: i love to raise twins
Have your future kids names planned out: BrOoKe PeNeLoPe, HaIlEy ElIzAbEtH
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: 28 years old also=)
Hate anyone: NaH, i easily forgive and forget
Your crush is the Class President
Who Catches Your Eye?
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