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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Interests

reflection....."wondering WTF was I thinkin'?"......, travel, languages, geography, archaeology, history, sports, philosophy, religion, music... (and continually trying to figure out how it all fits together....(or not))............

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Baby Jesus, Teenage Jesus, transformez l'eau en vin rouge Jesus, "I'm JC and I approve this message Jesus" Mary Magdalene, Gwen Stefani, Fiona Apple, Muhammad, Muhammad Ali, Buddha, Karma, Aristotle, Sophocles, Leonardo da Vinci, , Bernini, Michelangelo, Anne Boleyn, Lady Jane Grey, Mozart, Madame du Barry, Voltaire, Marie Antoinette, George Washington, Washington Carver, Thomas Jefferson, George Jefferson (and Weezie), Eugene Dela Croix, Godot, Bob Marley, Karl Marx, Groucho Marx, V.I. Lenin, John Lennon, Anastasia, Ghandi, Phil Silvers, Sarah Silverman, Zero Mostel, Kurt Vonnegut, U2, Katerina Whitt, the GoGos, Barack Obama, the B52s, the Fockers, Tyra when the fog was at it's worst.......



see Musique section


see Movies section


see Television section


my Father (R.I.P.) for teaching us to look out the front windshield instead of the rear-view mirror of life (didn't always stick, but always knew down deep somewhere it was the right way to go), my Mother and Father for being from the same Depression and WWII generation and their peers who came through tough times together and taking care of each other and their neighbors' neighbor growing up, before, during and after the War......, EveryWoman/EveryMan who does the right thing in spite of themselves, JC.....................

My Blog

Merlot, Whiskey Shots and Other Love Stories...................

Ok, I just realized it's been over a year since we quit abusing each other. Yes, you know we had been, and rationalized it for a long time in every way possible. We'd started out as tentative acquaint...
Posted by Don on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:57:00 PST

Faux Amies

Beware  the faux amies........they use until it's not convenient or no longer self-serving.........then, they cut and run................
Posted by Don on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 02:18:00 PST