About Me
Alright, time to update this thing... My Name is Kyle Davis. I am currently residing in the great state of Colorado. I just recently got out of the military, so I am loving the fact that I am now free to live my life the way that I want. For those of you that know me, you already know whats going on in my life. If you dont know me, but want some insight on various subjects and aspects of not only my life, but my views on various different things, browse through my ever so carefully crafted blogs. If your from the Grand Junction or surrounding area, and you are in either the metal scene or techno scene, get ahold of me. Im always down to drink a few beers and talk music. So sit back, toke up, and revel in all that is me.
Your Political Profile:
Overall: 90% Conservative, 10% Liberal
Social Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?________________________________________________________
___Metal is Life. This is the mantra that I have lived by for as long as I can remember. I started getting into metal at the tender age of about 6, getting my first tastes with Christian Metal bands like The Crucified, Vengeance Rising, Bloodgood, Scattered Few, Precious Death, (I'm not going to name the ONE Christian Metal Band that you all know from the 80's. Not a huge fan. You know who I'm talking about), Bride, X-Sinner and others. Soon after, Metallica and Pantera found their way into my stereo, and from then on out, I was a full fledged Metal Maniac. Got more and more into the underground scene during my teenage years, and started writing for the now defunct Throat Culture Magazine when I was 15. Bands like Cannibal Corpse, Nile, Manowar, Iced Earth, Candlemass, My Dying Bride, Morbid Angel, Death, Judas Priest, Anthrax, Six Feet Under and Napalm Death got me through some tough times. Still do, in fact. Now, I am deeper in the depths of the Metal Underground, much like many of you reading this now. In fact, if you are reading this, and you already know me, you must already know just how deep my knowledge of Metal is. So I don€™t really have to prove myself to you. I could give you a huge list of all of these Death Metal bands with similar sounding complex names with illegible logos that I enjoy to make myself look elite, just like many of you reading this right now do, but I don€™t feel as if that is necessary. I will just say that my favorite genres of metal include Death, Black, Grind, Doom, Progressive, Death/Grind. GoreGrind, Traditional, Power, Thrash, and all of the MANY, MANY variations of each. I became a DJ at KMSA, 91.3 FM, The Metal Authority under the psuedonym The Hatchet when I was 17, and it is because of that radio station that I am back in the Great city of Grand Junction. Grand Junction is everything that one could want, minus the lack of metal shows.______________________________________________________
_____.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
How much do you know about extreme metal?
Expert Metalhead
You have a vast knowledge of the many forms of underground metal. Relish in the fact that you are above most. (Nokturnal Mortum)
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.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --__________________________________________________________
_Okay, so we have established that Metal is a HUGE part of my life. This is true, but lets not forget about many of the other genres that are worthy of a mention in this Emmy Award winning profile. More and more Electronic music has found its way into my rotation. Everything from Trance, Hard House, Acid, Industrial, and many other variations of Techno. I am a newbie to the likes of this type of music, so I am still seeking out more and more artists. I wish that Techno had a resource like Metal does, i.e. numerous Magazines, fanzines, websites and all of that. But I haven€™t found any. Again, could be my lack of experience in this world of music, so if you know something about it, help me out.________________________________________________________
I know a lot about almost every other type of music, be it jazz, classic rock, blues, classical. So if you have a music question, go ahead and ask me. But if it has anything to do with what is popular right now, or rap music, I don€™t know anything, because I like SUBSTANCE in my music. I would rather not hear about how much money these black dudes have._______________________________________________________
____I hate hardcore dancers and the hardcore music mentality. Here is a rant that I wrote on them many moons ago:Breakdowns-What is the appeal? It is the easiest and by far the most overused way to get a crowd moving. Well know what? I€™m not fucking moving. I refuse to even nod my head for a lame ass fucking breakdown. It seems as if Breakdowns are all that kids are looking for these days. And yes, I said kids. "Hardcore" kids. Do you honestly think that fucken Hatebreed is going to be around for as long as the greats such as Iron Maiden, Cannibal Corpse, Suffocation, Entombed, Morbid Angel, etc...??? Hardcore is just another fad. First was hair metal, then it was grunge, then nu metal...Hardcore is just this years nu metal. Granted, I would rather listen to Atreyu then Korn, but it is all just a fad. And what the fuck is the deal with this "Hardcore" fashion? Dude, your shirt is way to small, don€™t wear it. Dude, your jeans are way to tight and too short. Dude, cut your fucken shaggy ass hair. Take the fucking bandanna out of your pocket. Oh yea, and if I see any of you kung fu dancers doing that shit during a metal show again, you will wake up with a fucking killer headache. UNITE AGAINST KUNG FU DANCING!! UNTIE AGAINST TRENDS!! UNITE AGAINST THE JOKE THAT IS BREAKDOWNS!! UNITE AGAINST SHITTY MUSICANS!!__________________________________________________
________Music aside, my life is pretty odd right now. I really dont know what will happen here in the next few months. There really is no tellin. Ive done some stupid shit lately that has cost me the respect of a lot of people. I am at fault for that. But other than that, i suppose that I am a pretty easy going and happy guy. Oh yea, and some people have been asking if I am divorced yet....No.... Im not.________________________________________________________
___Are you a bleeding heart liberal? Dont think that we should be in Iraq? Believe in global warming? Hate America? Well, feel free to contact me if you want your ass handed to you. I have ZERO tolerance for ignorance. This will be proven in the movement that is going to soon be started... Actually, if you watch the news from here in Junction, you might be able to tell that the movement has already begun.._____________________________________________________
_____Matt: "After watching that I realized how much good music there is out there and why listen to music that€™s alright when there is so much good shit."Well said, brother...
What metal band are you?
Iced Earth
You are Iced Earth! Your music stems from classic heavy metal with slight thrash roots. You love melody in your music, and you definitely love adding the element of fantasy with reality when you write your songs. Rhythm speed, heaviness, and melody are what you're all about!
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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2.5