Stephen currently resides in East London and is spending most of his musical time working on material for his band DeLooze . The project started in March 2007 and is a collaboration with a talented vocalist Stacey DeLooze who has worked/gigged with various musicians before, but until now, none with an electronic music background. Stephen answered her call for someone to help her develop a more electronic sound, and after many months of writing they have finally started to transfer their efforts to the live domain. Check out the band page for demo tracks and live dates: DeLooze
Inspired by music that evokes feelings of nostalgia in himself, Stephen uses sound sources such as piano, his voice, toy instruments and anything else he can get his hands on for digital manipulation. He likes to challenge the stereotype that electronic music is cold and mechanical by giving his sounds organic qualities, such as subtle variations in pitch and time. He trys to get away from using the computer keyboard and mouse and using more hands-on methods of control.
Stephen is a 24-year-old, classically trained pianist and started developing an interest in composing electronic music when he got his first keyboard at the age of 15. Feeling restricted by the instrument’s synthesis and sequencing capabilities, he upgraded to a more sophisticated model, but it wasn’t until going to university to study Creative Music Technology that he officially entered the world of computer-based music production.