friend, true friends. It seems everyone now a days is out to get something from you, or some how screw you over(everyone but the other three wheels)I'm not looking for love I really don't believe in it anymore, but you never know that can always change, but for now I'll just stick to really, really, really (no I'm not kidding), really good sex!!!!
I don't listen to much music I realy don't have time but when I do its such a wide varriaty I couldn't list I like everything from country to classical ( really everything)
Kids movies!!! my all time favorite ICE AGE
All right I'm a weirdo when it comes to t.v. I like shows like csi, american justice, forensic stuff, things that talk about serial killer, really anything that has to do with murders and how they do it and get caught!!!!
My girls because they have put up with a lot of my shit, working long hours, the losers I've dated and all the other crap that you end up doing when your a single parent:)