Michael V profile picture

Michael V

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Salut à tous. Je me présente michael étudiant.
Mon but dans la vie, faire plaisir à en prenant un max de plaisir.
Vous avez une grosse soirée à faire, en salle, en discothèque. Nous avons le concept.
Allez voir: http://www.comeintomyhouse.com
A la quette de nouvelle fringues styllées:

My Interests

Music, Xtrem sports..............


Old playlist by Mika:1 Tom Novy - Your Body 2 Spinal Scratch 3 Daft Punk - Robot Rock 4 Chemical Brothers - Galvaniz (version Mika) 5 David Guetta - World Is Mine 6 Eric Pridz - Slammin (version Mika) 7 Da Fresh - Fucking Track (kiko remix) 8 Mylo - In My Arms 9 Vox - SOS 10 Jupiter Ace - 1000 Years (version Mika) 11 Muttonheads - I'll Be There (The Young Punx Remix) 12 Paris Avenue - I Want You ( version Mika) 13 Daft Punk - Nightvision1 Stress - Irreversible 2 WDPK 83,7 Fm - Daft Punk 3 Slammin - Eric Pridz 4 The Fool - Johannes 5 Such a Fresh - Da Fresh 6 Everybody - Martin Solveig 7 The Drill 8 I'll Be There - Muttonhead 9 Shot You Down - AudioBullys 10 Drop Presure - Mylo 11 Most Of Preciouss 12 Avalon - Juliet 13 Futur Funk 14 Trust It - Junior Jack 15 Lovely Flight - Didier Sinclair 16 Seven Nation Armi - Punk Division 17 69 Police - David Holmes 18 I Feel For you - Bob Sinclar 19 Waiting For You 20 Fucking Track - Da Fresh 21 Broken Dream - Da Fresh 22 The Storm - Darud 23 The Game Is Not Over 24 Pornstar - Hustler 25 Dope Me - Valentino Kanzani


Down Periscop, Les chevaliers du ciel, Back to the futur, La 7eme compagnies, Pearl Harbour, Irreversible, ...............


Fred Buckanon, B*BOP, Da Fresh.....................

My Blog

XMas Party 2007

Mika vous présente:XMas Party 2007@ Opéra Night 84 rue de trévise59000 LILLE   FRANCE...
Posted by Michael V on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 05:01:00 PST