x-dAt ChicK CasSiE-x....hell yeah ! profile picture

x-dAt ChicK CasSiE-x....hell yeah !


About Me

.?.THEY SCREAM..cassie..?..?.SEX...girl.?..?.BORN...london.?..?.BEEN IN THE WORLD..16 years.?..?.fELL OUT OF HEAVEN..6th february..?. .?.STAR SIGN...aquarius.?. .?.ON THE MAP...hanwell.?. .?.STANDS AT...5"7'.?. .?.SEE THREW...green/blue eyes.?..?.BRUSHES.... her long blonde & brown hair.?. .?.OCCUPATION...college.?..?.LOVES...her g,,wjuss gurlies & family.?. .?.ATTRACTED TO..nice guys??? .?..?.STATUS...single!!:? ?.?..?.IN LOVE WIF..??? x yew no hu yew r (lol jokin).?..?.SHE CRYS...wen ppl put her down.?..?.COLOUR..sexi pink.?..?.DRINK..yummy.?.. ?.BESTIST..???.?..?.SAD WEN..she dnt get wot she wants.?..?.HAPPIEST..wif her gurlies.?..?.LOVES...her hamster, shoppin & fridays(dnt we bex n shelbs lol).....
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My Interests

hmm gotta b SINGING coz om luvin it n hangin out wif ma gurlies n jus normal stuff mostly except friday which iz ma wild day lool (u no shelby n bex we bad hehe)

I'd like to meet:

u...lol ne1 hu wants 2 meet me lol add me on msn if ya want twinkytinkerbell@hotmail.co.uk ill talk to any1 except pervs..... DO NOT ADD OR TALK 2 ME PLZ, U AINT SHOWIN ME NUFFIN N I DEFINITELY AINT SHOWIN U NUFFIN !!! bt if u jus wanna chat n get 2 no me n that then cool... c ya...mwah...3 XxXcassieXxX


I Like All Types especially club, hip-hop, dance n pop/rock


the ones that make u propa laugh escecially american pie, seed of chucky & the scary movies, ooh & the horrors the gorier the better coz they r sooo funny & not forgetin ma faves the disney movies woohoo luvin em.


nethin funny...lol...if it makes me laugh it wins ma heart! I luv buffy the vampire slayer, suite life, eastenders, home and away, hollyoaks, hannah montana, simpsons, bones, NCIS, heroes & loadsa ovas but i dnt wana bore ya so...


i dnt reli get nuf ym 2 read books at the mo 2 busy but wen i do i lyk the disney books, princess diaries n ova random stuff...