LATI$HA profile picture



About Me

I'm the youngest of my four brothers and one sister. I grew up with the natural gift of creating art and it also has been a huge part of my life and who I am today. I loved to draw since I could remember. Since I finished art school in 2003 Ive led my artwork into painting custom motorcycles for a living. Ive chosen to constantly challenge my abilities and have learned a great deal about the lengths of its reach. When I'm not traveling to a show I'm usually working on getting ready for one. From having my work featured with Discovery Channels American Chopper to TLC's "Miami Ink" Ive been blessed with the opportunities to share my work with the world. After completing the "Tattoo Bike" that was featured on "Miami Ink" I felt challenged to find the right tattoo shop to parter with in my pursuit to becoming an excellent tattoo artist. Currently I am apprenticeing with Franco Vescovi owner of El Toro Inkhouse in Lake Forest, California. Each day brings a new lesson and opportunity to express new creativity!! I am very adventurous and love new experiences, new places , and new people. My artwork has brought me so many places and I am so fortunate to have been given that gift. I, much like everyone else, am looking to love my time here and the people that cross my path because life is too short not

My Interests

Visit my website. My business is my life. I eat sleep and breath Flames Of Steel.

I'd like to meet:



I love all types of music.


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Contact Tables


My family has always been the huggest force in my life. We are out spoken and ready to tell ya like it is any time any day. We also have the huggest hearts and will give you the shirt off our backs. My family has taught me to be strong, be confident, and make a difference in peoples lives. I love my family and it continues to grow every year. Thanks to my mom and Papu, Jerry and Terresa, Tim and Ester, Tom and Beck, Tammy and Gary, Tj and Jess, and all the little monsters that are running around these days. They are the inspiration in my life and the reason why I want so much out of this world!!