aMeRiTwiStEd profile picture


i'M tHe SiStEr tWiStEd & aiN'T cHanGeiNg!!!!!

About Me

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WHAT UP?? .....I currently live in Guadalajara. I grew up mostly here, spending a cuple of years in Los Angeles,CA and, experiencing life outside of the country, was the gratest experience I ever had. I spend most of my extra time with my little girl,( - I don't watch a lot of TV since I don't have enough patience and time for it, no wait...(NOW.. I DO WATCH A LOOOOOOOOOT OF TV SINCE I HAVE THE TIME OF THE WORLD TO WATCH IT..AND THE PATIENCE??? BELIEVE ME.. ITS FREAKING GONE HOWEVER.....I`m a happy and proud mom..(YES, believe it or not.. IM HAPPY!!! or at least I try to be.... also...I like keeping up with current events so I really, really... enjoy people who can carry on a great conversation and are concerned with things in the world beyond themselves. I consider myself spontaneous and ambitious,****ADVISE... PLEASE, PLEASE TRY NOT TO BE... THAT SPONTANEOUS....TRUST ME**** so......... I appreciate someone who can live for the moment, and DO NOT complain about EVERYTHING specially about MY WEIGHT!!!!.. but still with many goals for the future..... there you go.. that`s me.. any comment please save it!!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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My chemical Romance, Incubus, Sistem of a Down, Mtallica, Aerosmith, Green Day, Black Eyed Peas,Avril Lavinge,Simple Plan,Evanescense,The Strokes, She Wants Revenge,Yeah Yeah Yeahs,TheCure,TheHives,Zoe,Panda,Fobia,Porter,Allison,Vainil la,Los Abandoned


South park, family guy, cold case, smallville, gilmore girls, desperate housewives, the O.C., MTV, Vh1,


all about Paulo Cohelo, (Las enseanzas de Don Juan) de Carlos Castaneda, (Caballo de Troya) de JJ Benitez, Garcia Marquez.... Those my FaVoRiTeS


mY DaD (mISs u LaLiN)

My Blog

sOy...gUeRReRa dE La lUz

Un guerrero de la luz sabe que ciertos momentos se repiten. Con frecuencia se ve ante los mismos problemas y situaciones que ya habia afrontado; entonces se deprime, pensando que es incapaz de progres...
Posted by aMeRiK on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 11:38:00 PST

a k la vida.. eda???

Me cga mi vida... SE NOTA???   No lo niego, si hay cosas chidas por las k pudiera hecharle ganas... pero la neta... TENGO MUCHA WEBA ya me cago la madre que cada vez que me siento con TOOOOO...
Posted by aMeRiK on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 10:32:00 PST