PeaChEs profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

umm.. well.. mY naMe iS JeSsSiCa aNd iMa ChEeRLeAdeR! I wAs b0rN iN Tennessee buT n0w I cuRReNtLy LiVe iN CaLi..I loVe LitTLe aNiMaLs, ducKs, cOoKiEs, & BrOwnIes..I hAtE PicKLes, coOkEd fisH, and sKiTtLes.. aSk mE if yA waNNa kNoW mOrE!... or .. send me a message on AIM at LiLBayBeePeaches

My Interests

i like dancin and singin.. and jus chillin wit my friends..roller coasters, big cars, movies, music, exploring, cheerleading n pretty much anything.. embed enableJavascript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allownetworking="internal" allownetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"

I'd like to meet:

adopt your own virtual pet!


I LiKe FuNNy moVies N sCaRy mOviEs N acTiOn MoVies N basiCaLLy all types. the last samurai, joy luck club, the little mermaid, blade, pirates of the carribean, how to lose a guy in ten days,lilo n stitch, mulan,rugrats, princess diaries, nd lots more. i like movies!


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