Prophetic Call Global Networking Ministries profile picture

Prophetic Call Global Networking Ministries

The Time To Move Is Now!!! Time For Unity!!

About Me


Born to Kenneth and Angela Clark on Thanksgiving Day November 27 1980. I have gone through a lot in my life, and as a result I have felt a lot of pain...I've done it all from selling drugs, using drugs, moving in gangs, shooting up houses, trying to committ suicide, living suicidal, and many other things....You see...Just like many other people...I played with my life and tried doing my own thing.....I went through a lot as a child that only those closest to me would know but I no longer use it as a crutch...Instead I use it as a strength.

I recieved Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior in October of 2004. This was after almost losing my life and just living totally rebelious. After a couple of suicide attempts God stepped in and reshaped me into a fortress and prophet of the KINGDOM OF GOD. I hadnt been to Church in a good 3 years, and the name of God made me sick. I remember thinking to myself the last time my mother told me that I need need to get back in church, that if one more person said that to me then I would kill them....My mind was so far gone that had someone come up to me like Jobs wife did him and said "curse God and die", more than likely I would have done it. Life meant nothing to me and neither did anyone else. I was one of those people who could always put on a smile but people never knew how much pain I was in, but God knew and He also knew I was stubborn, so He came in and broke me himself...Now I live for Christ and I will die for Christ, because there is no better sacrafice. It's Revolution Time so get ready for a change..................

Prophetic Call Global Networking Ministries

The purpose of this ministry is to connect with other men and women of God and their ministries in a mandate to reinstall the unity of the founding church. We have gotten to a point where ministry has become about being in the lights of the world and not the light of Christ. Ministry is now more about how many members you have and how good of a show you can put on, but in the beginning church it was all about the power of God through the unity of His follower. Its time to remove the weak links that have been destroying the body of Christ. It is our strength together that makes us strong. Its time we start operating on the true power of God, and start to show forth the miracles, and powers that the first leaders and founders displayed. This can only happen if we totally deny ourselves and step into our destiny. Our destiny cannot be changed, but it can be lost, due to ignorance. Ecclesiates says that God planned our destiny before the foundations of the earth, and now we spend so much time preaching prosperity and not kingdom reign. Prosperity was never meant to be preached. It was meant to be lived. Seek ye first the Kingdom and His Righteousness and all the things will be added. Now most people and ministries think that you can have the things of God without being obedient to His commands. It is rediculous, but Prophetic Call Global Ministries is now raising the bar and challenging all those who claim to be leaders. The devil knows your desires also, and he can also give you the riches and things of this world. Dont be decieved because now is the time to RISE!!!!! Join me in making a statement!!!!!

God Bless

My Interests

Time of Gods Favor has Come Part 1 ..

Time of Gods Favor has Come Part 2 ..

Time of Gods Favor has Come Part 3 ..

I'd like to meet:


Pastor Dwight Butler..


My Blog


I have really been feeing a tense restlessness in my spirit and what God is saying right now is very heavy. God gave me a word back in march and He just reconfirmed His word in the past weeks. The Bod...
Posted by Prophetic Call Global Networking Ministries on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 07:47:00 PST

Revolutionary Transition!!!!!

Well, first I just want to say WWOOOOOWWW!!!!!  GOD is sooooo Good!!!!  Right now there is a lot going on in my life both spiritually and naturally.  Im at a point where I am more conf...
Posted by Prophetic Call Global Networking Ministries on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 01:13:00 PST

True Visionary

True Visionary Thought you all would enjoy this powerful message. You can also be a part of a new group I started on MySpace called True Disciples for Christ... A Visionary is a person with a c...
Posted by Prophetic Call Global Networking Ministries on Fri, 19 May 2006 05:07:00 PST

Real Men !!!

Time for me to be real .  I'm sick and tired of guys walking around like they so hard, and calling themselves men.  You know, I use to be one of those guys who would drink, smoke, talk trash...
Posted by Prophetic Call Global Networking Ministries on Mon, 08 May 2006 08:47:00 PST