hmmm....let's deco, art nouveau, aquariums, antique linen sheets, accents, arsenic, bathtubs, broken glass, broken hearts, butter, catching birds, cotton wool, chloroform, consumption, cemeteries, chinese shoes, corsets, costumes, creosote, dust, drowning, datura, dyspepsia, dusty smelling books, egg tempera, fairytales, forests, ectoplasm, fawns, ferns, fevers, francesca woodman, fox hunting, ghosts, hairwork, horses, hysteria, hot water bottles, hirondelles, house martins, hysterics, illness, jungles, rowboats and picnic baskets, gardens of the dead, kitten hovels, feigned suicide, kid skin gloves, laudanum, moths, Mary Pickford, mushrooms, martyrs, molluscs, mourning art, nazimova, needles, opium, ossuaries, petticoats, painting, peeping into tombs, potatoes, poppies, pressing seaweed, raiding oyster beds, razors, rust, rot, rainy days, snail collecting, shipwreck, solitude, suicide, salt water, soft skin, saints, sick days, sewing kits, silk velvet, stigmata, skeleton keys, smelling salts, spiritualism, snails, speaking French, staying in bed, slugs, séances, swamps, spells, sirens, stagnant water, taxidermy, tombstones, thermometers, Thomas Mann, tragic heroines, turpentine, tattered dresses, theatrics, trying to catch chipmunks, velvet ribbon, Virginia Woolf, vintage clothing, widows weeds, witchcraft, watercolors, wax dolls
If you are an artist, an adventurer, a fairy tale weaver, a traveller, an intellect, a seeker of curiousities, a mystic, a prophet, a pirate, a mapmaker, a wandering doe, a disembodied spirit, a fortune teller or a fortune maker I would like to know you.
accordions, baby rosebud, billie holiday, belle and Sebastian, cocorosie, carter family, clash, cranes, carpenters, cellos, enrico caruso, espers, elysian fields, faun fables, howler monkeys, locusts, maria callas, metallic falcons, the magic mountain song by blonde redhead, lisa Gerard,nouvelle vague, nick cave, Olivia Newton john, rasputina, regina spektor, pixies, smiths, swans
picnic at hanging rock, gormenghast, svankmejer's alice, a z and two 0's, phantom of the opera, diary of a lost girl, angels and insects, heavenly creatures, flowers in the attic, innocence, 28 days later, daDDY long legs, the thin man, the innocents, night of the living dead
Turn of the screw, Virginia Woolf's essays, Susan Sontag, Death in Venice, The Black Swan, Edgar Allen Poe, Dorothy Parker, Magic Mountain, The Edwardians, Watership Down, The Age of Innocence, House of Mirth, Grimms Fairy Tales, The Yellow Wallpaper, the victorian celebration of death, Philipe Aries, idols of perversity, stories about invalids, stories about swans, fairies and victorian conscioussness, invalid women, pleasures taken, becoming, perfume, a rebours, lizzie siddall - the tragedy of a pre-raphaelite supermodel
Alice James, Dorothy Parker, Myrna Loy, Elizabeth Siddal, Virginia Woolf, Lily Bart, Marie Duplessis, Mollie Fancher and although i hate to admit it, fuschia groan