music, all kind of sports, friends, smiling faces or just good pictures of them, anna or ambrin playing the piano, singing!, some nice art, absurdism, to act on impulse (if possible), getting me enough sleep (i wanna go to bed earlier since 4 years, didnt ever happen), driving through puddles, old wooden elevators and those without doors, being there when you need me most, good old days, living without cellphones again, old shitty cars, nature, nonsense, hanging around with fucked up piepls and get those wannabe-gangster rappers away!
Bob Marley talks about life
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"T has two bags of Indie, seventy-five pellets of TuffGongs, five sheets of high-powered Rock, a salt shaker half-full of Classic and a whole galaxy of multicolored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers.... also a quart of Reggae, a quart of 60..s, a case of Alternative, a pint of raw Punk, and two dozen Blues...
you wount find a better one, CALL NOW and ORDER NOW!!! only 500 left!!Massagematte RTL SHOP
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