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About Me

With Hammerfall he has sold over one million albums, received two gold albums and been nominated for three grammy awards. Now he has gathered some of the best metal musicians in the world to create something darker, heavier and more mature ...Lyon, France, January 2003.Hammerfall vocalist Joacim Cans is in a very bad mood, alone in his hotel room. His band mates are out celebrating another successful show, but Joacim has to keep his voice fit. In my next life I..m gonna be a bloody bass player so I can party on tour he complains. Suddenly the bored Swede gets an idea with a capital I and in that single night he completes the basic plans for what is to become his first solo album.For it is not only at nights like this that Joacim gets bored. When Hammerfall is not touring he has even more spare time and there are things he has been longing to do that would never work in his main band.Hammerfall is a trademark that represents a very specific style of music, that..s just the way it is says Joacim one year later. That was mainly why I wanted to do this album to be able to try some fresh ideas and not be locked into a certain way of writing.Joacim asked some of his personal heroes to contribute riffs and ideas. Jeff Waters (Annihilator), Mat Sinner (Primal Fear, Sinner), David Chastain (CJSS), Ronny Milianowicz (Dionysus, ex-Sinergy), Corbin King and Metal Mike Chlasciak (Halford) were told that the songs should be dark and slightly progressive, yet still melodic. Soon Joacims mailbox was flooded with riff tapes, and he threw away everything too happy, too straightforward or too reminiscent of Hammerfall, only keeping the darkest and heaviest material.Around the same time, the band Cans was put together. I didn..t want to invite a bunch of guest musicians explains the vocalist. There are already too many albums like that. Since a lot of different song writers were involved, I wanted to get a genuine band feeling to the album. Even if the songs are a bit different, Mark Zonder is always gonna play drums like Mark Zonder, y..know? I wanted everything to pull in the same direction.And it does just that. Beyond the Gates manages to combine the voice and melodies that made Joacim famous with a heaviness and darkness he has never been close to before.Beyond the Gates is the Noise International top priority release for early 2004. A very high profile promo video for the track Red Light will be released to European TV stations before the release date this spring and the band will be performing live at several big metal festivals throug-hout the summer.The Band Joacim Cans (Hammerfall) vocals Mat Sinner (Primal Fear) bass Mark Zonder (Fates Warning drums Stefan Elmgren (Hammerfall) guitar Metal Mike Chlasciak (Halford) guitarJoacim Cans ... Listens to anything from Nick Cave to Finntroll Ran a metal fanzine back in school Was a member of the Swedish national youth swimming team for two years Established and managed a candy store in Gothenburg at age 19 Has sung in Warlord and an early incarnation of Lost Horizon Is a graduate of MI (Musicians Institute) in Los Angeles Recently had his first child Owns and runs Metal Heart Music and Publishing.Written by Martin Forssman - Sweden Rock Magazine

Myspace Layouts at / Vampire skull

Any Means Necessary video clip

My Interests


Member Since: 05/04/2006
Band Website: Out of Order
Band Members: 2006 Line-Up
Joacim Cans/Vocals
Danny Gill/Guitar
Stefan Elmgren/Guitar
Snowy Shaw/Drums
Fredrik Larsson/Bass

Album Line-Up
Joacim Cans/Vocals
Metal Mike Chlasciak/Guitar
Stefan Elmgren/Guitar
Mark Zonder/Drums
Mat Sinner/Bass
Daniele Soravia/Keyboard

Influences: Queensryche
Grim Reaper
Judas Priest
Lillian Axe
Heavy Load
Fates Warning
Pretty Maids

Sounds Like: Heavy Metal ,damn it!
Record Label: Sanctuary Records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

TV-Gala på söndag 31 maj (Swedish Only)

Missa inte Rädda Mammorna-galan på TV4 på söndag (31 maj) där jag kommer att sjunga duet med Sarah Dawn Finer. Sändingen startar 20.00!Rädda Mammorna-GalanJoacim
Posted by on Sat, 30 May 2009 04:48:00 GMT

Häng med i min blogg på TV4! (In Swedish only)

Inför premiären av Körslaget på lördag har jag lagt upp en blogg på TV4:s det så braJoacim
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 06:00:00 GMT

Intervju inför körslaget! (Interview in Swedish)

Här kommer första intervjun inför Körslaget! Klicka på länken och njut!
Posted by on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 08:42:00 GMT

Körslaget - Clash of the Choirs (Swedish Only)

Nu är det officiellt att jag kommer att delta i TV4's nya storsatsning Körslaget (Clash of the Choirs). Mer info finns på Ser mig som en outsider i detta sammahang men med me...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 01:07:00 GMT

HammerFall South American Dates

21.09. Monterrey - Cafe Iguana23.09. Mexico City - Circo Volador24.09. Guadalajara - Teatro Estudio Cavaret26.09. Santiago de Chile - Caupolican29.09. Buenos Aires - Obras01.10. Porto Alegre - Opiniao...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:19:00 GMT


Hello friends!My elbow is still hurting like hell but it seems like it is healing properly. Doing physiotherapy every day and hopefully that will help speed up things. I am still working hard with my ...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 06:49:00 GMT

Another HammerFall injury

2007-04-04Joacim broke a bone in his elbow during a taekwon-do training session on Monday.Says he: "It was during the warm-up, we were doing rushes across the room when I somehow slipped and went full...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 15:15:00 GMT

Voice Update

Good morning,So far everything have turned out great and I have suffered no vocal problems on stage. Two shows down and 28 to go!LaterJ
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:56:00 GMT

Sandy Claws is coming!

The surgery was successful and the week of silence is finaly over. On Dec 7:th the surgeon forced a tube with gadgets down my throatand removed the damned polyp. When I woke up I was kind of soare,but...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:45:00 GMT

Under the Blade

Dear Friends,After a couple of months of serious vocal problems my doctor finally tracked down the root of all evil. On my right vocal cord he found a polyp that affected both my speaking and singing ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:22:00 GMT