Seeing as I have already met one group of people I wanted to I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to meet incubus. Their music is wonderful. I never get tired of them becasue they are always changing. They get better with every song and album. Not many bands can say they don't have a formula, and still have their music count where it matters most, with the fans. only a few bands have accomplished this 30 seconds to mars, miser, and incubus are a few. I can't live without music, it is my soul. However I am very open to all music. I have my preferances of course but I try not to be completely close minded, but that's another story.If i couldn't meet all of incubus I would HAVE to at least meet Mike Einziger, the guitarist from Incubus. He plays the piano and guitar, and if you know me you'll know I'm passionate as hell about both even though i play both as well as a fish out of water. When he plays his guitar or piano, or ANY instrument for that matter, I feel AMAZING! (Amazing lacks proper description of the feeling.) the amount of talent oozing from his fingers alone is absolutley overwhelming. If i could just tell him thank you for making the music he does, I think I would feel accomplished. :)I want to meet Amanda Palmer and Brian Viglione. They are beautiful souls.I'd love to meet Gary Oldman too, he's just a bad ass.