I had a whole bunch of shit to write here, but really, the best way to find out who someone is, is to observe and question. Observe their actions, question your environment.
I'd love nothing more right now that to just tell all about me. But I hate boasting and no one would appreciate the things I've got to say about myself besides me. I'm open to any topic, any question, at any time of the day.
I love myself of course. I believe everyone should love m--themselves. I've never been struck with tragedy, everything I've done in my life was accomplished by me. What I have, I have made for myself. If I had to have an aspiration it would simply be; to be happy.
Maybe I'll add more to this when I have my vocabulary back. I'm repeating myself too much.
I try to do right and I can't figure out
Why I get schizo and psycho I go Jeckle to Hyde
It's these voices inside it's that darkness above me
Makes me turn away from good to bad then to ugly
That's why drugs seem so lovely like a way to escape
All this ugliness above me how much more can we take