Entering this website will only upset you. Many internet users have turned away. hopefully you will be one of them. If you are interested in light-hearted and happy radio friendly music, you would be better off listening to some other band. Our music is not happy because not very many happy things happen in our lives (or in the world at all for that matter, which, until our pending captures and executions, we are all living in.)
I'm sorry to inform you of this, but that is just the way things are. It isnt fair, but neither is life I'm very sorry to report. So, please, save yourself countless sleepless nights, weeping and screaming alone in the darkness, asking yourself the question I've asked myself many a dark sleepless night, "why?"
I urge you, please leave this website before it's too late.
Be wary of visting vanityandvexation.com where suspicious people not unlike yourself can communicate with one another via the message boards. Alarmingly, the messages left here can be read by anyone, which could potentially spread our danagerous ideas to millions.
contact AIV and they will respond to you, unless they are off making more upsetting, angry, sad, political, religious, or politically religious, unrequitted love jams for your soft and sensible ears.