I live in HAwaii-nei, so naturally my favorite resting place is in the belly of the nicest blue, sand-heaving, water-chucking barrel I can drag my balls through. Other than that I love a good mix of adrenaline, laziness, food, pleasure, work if I must, and my family (blood & other).. width="425" height="350" ..
The truth is I don't know who I want to meet, there's so many yet so few? U know what I mean? I have friends but there's probably a million f'ers out there I'd be cool with so how do you select? Basically as long as you don't f me over I won't give it to you in the behind.
can't get into specifics, for obvious reasons, but my favorites are reggae, hip-hop, and classic rock.
If it makes me smile, wanna kill, or make me smile, then it's good.
Pretty much brainrot, but then again so are a lot of the activities I partake in. Just like above; comedy first, then senseless violence and nudity. Female nudity. Attractive female nudity. I had to clarify that one. NO MAN ASS!!!
Uh yeah, well myspace took my 15 minutes of reading time I had. I really should read more, it's the single fastest way to get smarter.
Anybody who can put that thing we call life in the back of their minds and go out and do crazy fuckin shit. Example: Surfing 8-10 foot Shark Island. Mike Stewart still takes the cake for being the wizard (his 42" board is his wand). I should just call him Gandalf already.