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I would like to meet my future self before i actually get there just so i can see how my life turns out, i no it mite sound crazy but this section is for who i would like to meet not how people feel bout who i wanna meet lol. But i mean really who dosent want the chance to go to the future to see wat u become only to come back to the present and fix any problems u see with your new life or help sumething happen that hasent happened. Think bout that!!!zodiac sign
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Shakemma L. S.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5'8
Shoe Size: ??????????
Ring Size: ?????????
Heritage: Im Black
Graduating Year: 06'Baby
Birthdate: 02/06/88
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Concert: New Jack Reunion Tour
Best Friend: Michelle
Crush: This Boy named Larry
Pet: A hamster named Jellybean
Sport: idk
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: no
Bungee Jumped: hell naw
Gone out of the Country: nope
Beaten Someone Up: yep yep yep
Gotten Beat Up: unfortunately yes
Killed an Animal: no unnecessary
Swam in the Ocean: I mean I stood there.
Broke the Law: i stole but cried my way out of it. lol
Smoked: yeah
Chewed Tobacco: nope
Drank: a little sumthin' sumthin'
Been Kissed: oh yeah
Been In Love: yes
Dumped Someone: yeah
Been Dumped: yeah
Broken Someone's heart: idts {i don't think so}
Had Your Heart Broken: yes
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: i think so
Broken A Bone: no
Had Surgery: a long time ago
Had an X-ray or MRI: no
Failed a Class: oh hell yeah
Color: green
Food: chicken
Drink: dr. pepper
Snack: dorritos
Cereal: cinnamon toast crunch
Ice Cream: strawberry
Candy: i don't like candy
Restaurant: it don't matter
Fast Food Place: Burger King
Store: Not Food Lion lol
Animal: dog
Quote: u retarded
Sport To Play: none
Sport To Watch: none
Movie: i love T.V.
Type Of Music: all
Band: idk
Singer: thats hard yo!!!!
Song: thats hard too!!!
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
Vanilla or Chocolate: strawberry
Cake or Ice Cream: cake
McDonalds or Burger King: burger king
Love or Money: Lover with money
Music or TV: tv
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: i love em both . wtf
Truck or Car: Car but ill drive the right kind of truck
Ocean or Lake: lake
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: don't really use neither
Light or Dark: dark
Country or City: city
Rain or Sunshine: sunshine
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: personality
Personality or Looks: i said personality
Hair Color: it don't matter
Eye Color: don't matter
Short or Tall: tall above 5"8
Romanic or Spontaneous: romantic
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: relationship
Feeling: im allright
Listening To: nothing
Wanna: drive real bad right now
Doing Besides Typing: watching spongebob
Thinking About: nothing
Wearing: shirt and jeans
In Love: i don't think so
Single: yes and im not rushing either
Best Friends: a little unsure right now
...::The Future::...
Career: i don't know right now
Marriage: oh i can't wait!!!!!
Kids: i want either 2 or 3
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I used to love to read u can ask anybody that knows me i allways had a book in my face, i loved all types of books in third and fourth grade it was all bout the babysitters club books (dont try and act like u aint no ) lol in fifth and six it was all kinds but after sixth grade came the boys and my concentration broke lol no more books baby
My heroes are my mother who has been through so much and still keeps her head up, and my grandma who I call My Jo cause she would do anything for me even if it means giving up what she wantsplaylist