nikky profile picture


tHiS cOmpLeX uNivErSe sUddEnLy mAkeS seNse!

My Interests


hip-hop/rap, RnB, sLoW jAms, altErnAtive...


wiCker pArK, sWeet nOvemBer, heAd oVer heeLs, juSt mArriEd, a wALk to RemEmBer, xXx, mInOritY rEpoRt, 50 1st datEs, caTcH mE if yOu cAn, the sWeeteSt tHinG, tHe nOtEboOk, seRenDipiTy, LoRd of tHe rIngs, mAtRix...


HBO, StAr mOviEs, oNe tRee hiLL, tHe O.C, what i like about you, sEx & tHe cIty, jimmY nEutRoN, fairly oddparents, hey arnold...


rIcH dAd, poor dAd, i kiSSed dAtiNg gOodbYe...


mY mOm & dAd

My Blog

i am...

I am gradually coping with my stressful mind sickness! Not instantaneously but properly doing it in an augmented way! No pressures involved!...
Posted by nikky on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST