I am interested in the synchronicity of life. I love the process and details of just about anything, (there are a few exceptions). I love textiles, color, light, and the way all of the details fall into place.
people......Photographers, musicians, make-up artists, hair stylists, chefs, other business professionals, individuals willing to model, and people interested in talking about photography.
i like music ;*)
Sunset Blvd.,Thomas Crown Affair(new one). Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys, Rear Window, High Fidelity, All About Eve, The Sweetest Thing, High Art, Secretary, Million Dollar Baby, The Thin Man, Saturday Night Fever, Thelma & Louise, Chariots of Fire, The Big Lebowski, Silence of the Lambs, Shawshank Redemption, Reality Bites, and many more.
Anthony Bordain-No Reservations, Gray's Anatomy, crime shows, A&E Biography, Inside the Actor's Studio, The Closer, Entourage, Deadwood, and so many others.
I read!
not listed in order of significance: Oprah Winphrey, Ellen Degeneres, Maya Angelou, Michael Franti, Martin Luther King Jr. All the women before me who led their lives in an outloud robust way, affecting change and clearing a path for me to be free and express myself. Adrienne, Spiderman, Melissa, Lisa, Kathy, and Katherine. My MOM, brother, and my DADS...The CameronsFriends: Gwen, Alexis, Maya, Juan, & Spencer